Telephone Town Hall June 2013 Meeting Results
CDOT held a Telephone Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday June 12, 2013 from 6PM to 7PM regarding the most recent study that has been initiated for the I-225 improvements between Yosemite Street and I-25. This event was very successful in getting the word out about the study and answering questions from the public. We want to hear from you and have identified more opportunities for you to participate in the project below.
A Telephone Town Hall Meeting is a new public communication method of reaching out to the public on projects and other items of public interest to disseminate information, gather input, and answer questions from the community. The way it works is that the community is invited to participate in the town hall through either an outgoing phone call or through other outreach efforts such as a project website, flyers, emails, news releases and word-of-mouth. On the date and time of the event, the public is either contacted by phone or they call into a published phone number to participate in the call. Typically, the town hall begins with a brief presentation followed by a question and answer session. CDOT also included polling questions to obtain information from the community on this project. This is a great alternative communication tool for agencies to use to engage a large population of the public, listen to issues, and address concerns in real time.
CDOT reached out to more than 11,000 people in the vicinity of the project with about 1000 people participating in some capacity. The most number of people engaged in the town hall at one time included more than 360 individuals, which occurred during the presentation. We also had seven polling questions that were asked during the town hall. We have included the questions and responses for the Telephone Town Hall meeting here.
Our next meeting will be a public open house to share with you the alternative concepts developed and a short-list of those to study further to arrive at a solution to improve congestion on southbound I-225 between Yosemite and I-25.