1. When “Fountain Creek” is improved by this project, how far will the “Project” fund and implement landscaping (trees, etc.) on both sides of the creek bed? Or does that fall to the City?
Answer: Portions of Fountain Creek may have to be improved as a part of this project to address hydraulic issues. CDOT would be responsible for revegetating both sides of the improved portions of the creek. The level of additional revegetation or landscaping provided by CDOT would be subject to maintenance and funding agreements with the appropriate local agencies.
2. Is the idea of creating a park part of all of the options? Which options include a park?
Answer: Developing a new park or expanding existing parks in conjunction with improvements to US 24 West is possible under all of the “build” design options.
3. Is there a unifying element yet? I would like to see roadway lined on both sides with blue spruce trees. (Reduces noise, green all year, native tree). When do we get to see what additional corridor elements you are planning?
Answer: A unifying element or theme has not yet been developed for the US 24 Corridor. Additional corridor elements and the theming of those elements will be studied over the next few months and presented to the public in the spring of 2007.
4. When do we get to see what additional corridor elements you are planning?
Answer: Please see the answer to Question 3 above. The additional corridor elements will be studied for compatibility with the preferred alternative and developed with the public during the spring of 2007.
5. I have heard nothing about considering or planning for integrating “Historical Art” into the corridor’s aesthetic appeal – to soften the harsh impact of just concrete. (i.e., Midland RR, Gold Mills images)
Answer: The project team, along with CDOT, has heard from several different individuals within the community about the importance of the historical context of the corridor. This corridor has served as a major transportation route throughout history; from railroads to donkey trails this corridor has moved people and goods in and out of the mountains to the cities. Iron works, gold refining, railroad operations are the heritage of this corridor. The potential to use US 24’s historic context as a theme for the corridor, which may be reflected in structures, landscaping and other corridor elements such as art, will be considered over the next few months.