Construction and Phasing
1. Are you building everything all at once or are there phases? Where will you start and how will you know if what we are planning now will be best when you go to build it in the future?
Answer: We expect the improvements to US 24 will be built in phases. The phasing of the US 24 improvements will be based on the mobility needs and improvements gained, construction-related issues, the available funding and overall benefit to the community.
As the construction projects are planned a review will be completed of the assumptions made in the Environmental Assessment (EA). If those assumptions are no longer valid, or if surrounding conditions have changed substantially, then the proposed improvements will be reviewed to ensure that they are adequate for current conditions.
2. $240+ million is SUBSTANTIAL and in reality, probably will not be funded in full. How would this be phased? What is the timing of the separate phases?
Answer: Because it is unlikely that $240 million will become available at one time, we expect the improvements to US 24 will be built in phases. The phasing of the US 24 improvements will be based on the mobility needs and improvements gained, construction-related issues, the available funding and overall benefit to the community. Timing of the phases is dependent on the availability of funds.