Right of Way
1. Owner of Fountain Creek RV Park and Storage: The project team will meet individually with this owner and discuss his concerns.
Answer: If it is determined that a selected design option will require the acquisition of a business property, the affected property will be appraised to establish the fair market value for purchase negotiations. Similarly, if changes to the transportation system remove access to a property from the public roadway system, that property may also need to be acquired. When property acquisition displaces a business, the business owner becomes eligible for relocation assistance under the policies set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 24 — Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs.
The Midland Trail will be relocated as necessary under all of the “build options.” The project team has discussed this potential impact with local parks and open space staff and trails advocacy groups.
2. Under Option 1, is my house at 41 Glen Road, Manitou, threatened by proposed expansion? If so, what is the time frame?
Answer: Your home at 41 Glen Road, Manitou, is west of the area included in this environmental assessment and will not be affected by the proposed expansion.
With regard to timing of any Project improvements, funding, as administered by the PPACG for this corridor, is not presently included in the 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). If the project priority is not upgraded, the earliest date for funding of Project improvements would be 2013.
3. Are specific residences slated for relocation? Listed anywhere?
Answer: More than 20 design options are being considered presently, each of which has different implications for property acquisition and/or relocation. Once the design options are selected and refined to minimize impacts, individual properties can be identified with more certainty.
4. When a property owner is impacted – can he sell his property or is it worthless now?
Answer: Potential impacts by proposed improvements do not limit or preclude the use or sale of the property. When funding becomes available to acquire right-of-way, the impacted property will be appraised to determine its fair market value, provided the value of the part to be acquired is estimated to be $5,000 or more. Colorado statute offers affected property owners the option to obtain an appraisal at the acquiring agency’s expense if the estimated value of the property to be acquired is $5,000 or more. The offer to acquire all or part of any property is based upon the property’s market value at the time of the appraisal.
5. What is the total number of residential and business relocations you’ll have to do?
Answer: More than 20 design options are being considered presently, each of which has different implications for property acquisition and/or relocation. Once the design options are selected and refined to minimize impacts, the number of properties can be identified with more certainly.
6. New KFC at 31st and Colorado?
Answer: We are evaluating design options for 31st Street at US 24 and evaluating whether additional improvements are needed at Colorado Avenue. At this time, design has not been completed to a level that can determine if the KFC at 31st and Colorado will be affected.
7. What are the economic impacts associated with all these property acquisitions?
Answer: A regional economic analysis has been completed which concluded that roadway improvements will increase the primary trade area thus enhancing the economic vitality of the area by easing access and reducing traffic congestion. We will conduct a more focused analysis of local economic impacts, such as changes in sales or property tax revenues, in a few months.