The 4/20 Pledge media event

Traffic Safety Pulse News

4/20 Pledge media event 1

MADD, CDOT and cannabis industry leaders including Native Roots, Wana Brands, Terrapin Care Station, MIG and kindColorado came together to urge the public to take a safe driving pledge ahead of the annual 4/20 “holiday.”Tuesday Black from MADD Colorado and Alan Ma from the Denver Police Department presented at a media event held to promote the safe driving pledge. A roundtable discussion was held during which the group reviewed the state of impaired driving in Colorado, discussed emerging trends to preventimpaired driving on all types of drugs, and shared how cannabis consumers can plan to get home safely.

The 4/20 Safe Driving Pledge roundtable topics included:4/20 Pledge media event 2

  • How advocates, state agencies and the cannabis industry are uniting to prevent impaired driving.
  • New and evolving methods in detecting roadside impairment.
  • New training for law enforcement officers beyond only alcohol detection.
  • Recent data on impaired driving and DUIs.
  • Evolving research on how cannabis can impair driving ability, especially when mixed with other substances.
  • How to make a plan to avoid driving impaired.