Emerging Mobility
Internet Carpool Application Registration
Under Colorado House Bill 21-1076, carpool companies are required to register with the Colorado Department of Transportation beginning on October 1, 2021. This legislation separates carpool service companies from Transportation Network Companies (e.g. ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft). For additional information, see the 'Questions and Answers about HB-21-1076' document below or Contact Us.
Emerging Mobility Studies: SB19-239
Colorado Senate Bill 19-239 requires CDOT to convene and consult with a stakeholder group to examine the impacts of emerging transportation technologies and business models, identify means of addressing impacts, and report findings and make recommendations to the general assembly.

Micromobility Demonstration Project
Colorado’s public lands are facing successive years of rising visitation and, with them, increased levels of congestion and associated emissions. By deploying a Shared Micromobility Pilot Program in Chatfield State Park, CDOT seeks to: Demonstrate a replicable, fiscally sustainable model for the operation of shared micromobility programs in a recreational context capable of alleviating congestion, reducing emissions, and providing internal and external connections (e.g. between internal amenities, between a State Park and local economic centers). Provide a convenient and value-adding service to State Park visitors that enhances their experience and provides them with additional mobility options. Provide users with the opportunity to experience e-bike vehicles and technology in a controlled, safe environment, and thus to promote broader, long-term transportation behaviors that coincide with reduced single occupancy vehicle trips and criteria/greenhouse gas emissions.
The benefits of the proposed program to the State of Colorado are principally two-fold: The facilitation of long-term travel behaviors consistent with more efficient use of the state transportation network (thus improving travel reliability and reducing maintenance costs) and reduced greenhouse gas emissions in line with the targets identified in HB19-1261 and the GHG Reduction Roadmap. The reduction of acute congestion and capacity-straining vehicular traffic upon Chatfield State Park and (through demonstration) the wider public lands system of Colorado.
Project Schedule: CDOT anticipates deploying this project in late 2022. Check this website for project updates.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is leading the development of a COtransit platform to enable regional transit coordination and collaboration with transit providers that are part of the Colorado transit system. COtransit leverages real-time General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) travel data sourced from rural transit providers across Colorado.
COtransit will begin as a pilot with the platform including centralized trip planning and ticketing across multiple transit providers. Upon a successful pilot deployment, future functionality expansion and additional partners are anticipated as the program matures and develops.