CO 145 / US 550 Deep Patch & Wall Repairs

About the Project  

  • U.S. Highway 550, MP 90, two miles south of Ouray in Ouray County (10-foot width restriction will be in place at this location)
    Work involves retaining wall removal and replacement of two failing roadway sections with a crib wall system; follow-up highway surface repair and installation of new inlet and drainage culvert  
  • COMPLETE! (See Photo Gallery)  Colorado Highway 145, mile point (MP) 24.5, about 12 miles north of Dolores in Montezuma County (10-foot width restriction will be in place at this location):
    Work involves a ‘deep patch’ repair of the roadway and installation of a new rock buttress that provides slope stability underneath the roadway; guardrail replacement
  • COMPLETE! (See Photo Gallery) CO 145, MP 49, about three miles north of Rico in Dolores County
    Work involves removing the existing retaining wall material below the edge of the roadway; installing micro-piling and concrete pile caps with new back-fill material to secure the slope; follow-up highway surface repair; guardrail replacement

Project Facts

  • Cost: $1.5 million
  • Contractor: Oldcastle SW Group, Inc.
  • Timeline: April - October 2020
  • Location: CO 145 (MP 24.5) north of Dolores; CO 145 (MP 49) north of Rico; US 550 (MP 90) south of Ouray

CO 145 US 550 Deep Patch Location

CO 145/US 550  Resurfacing and
Wall Repair Project Map

Traffic Impacts   

US 550 South of Ouray (MP 90):  Late July into October 2020

  • Single-lane, alternating travel and a 10-foot width restriction, 24/7