CO 17 Widening & Resurfacing South of Hooper

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation announces improvements to CO Highway 17 beginning June 1. The project will improve approximately 36 miles of CO 17 in the San Luis Valley, beginning south of Hooper (MP 84.5) and continuing north to the U.S. Highway 285 junction (MP 118.4).

The work consists of widening the existing roadway with earthwork, base course, and heating and remixing treatment. This work is followed with a 2-inch asphalt overlay and shouldering. The project also has minor culvert extensions, erosion control, signing, and striping. This two-season project was contracted to APC Southern Construction of Golden and is expected to be completed in July 2021.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $21 million
  • Contractor: APC Southern Construction, Golden, CO
  • Timeline: June -July 2021
  • Location: Approximately 36-miles of CO 17 in the San Luis Valley, beginning south of Hooper (MP 84.5)and continuing north to the U.S. Highway 285 junction (MP 118.4)

Travel Impacts

  • Crews will begin work at the south end of the project limits, MP 84.5
  • Project work hours are daylight hours, Monday through Friday. No weekend work is currently anticipated
  • Expect travel delays of up to 15 minutes
  • Motorists will encounter brief closures with single-lane alternating traffic
  • The speed limit is reduced to 40 mph through the work zone
  • Flagging personnel will be on sight to direct travelers through the area as construction equipment enters and exits the work zone
  • 12-foot width restriction will be in place during project work hours
  • During work hours motorists are asked to use caution when approaching and driving through the work zone
  • All business and residence access will be maintained, but may be temporarily alerted to minor disruptions