You are here: Home Projects Archived Project Sites I-25 Exit 11 Interchange Improvements Assets Assets Assets FPO Exit 11 Detail Map.jpg Trinidad Project Exit 11 Detail (1).pdf Exit 11 Close Up.jpg Virtual Open House Cover.JPG Exit 11 map.jpg Exit 11 States FINAL (1).pdf Exit 11 Current Traffic Patterns 092221.jpg Exit 11 Current Traffic Patterns.pdf Google earth ramp detours marked up.jpg southwest view new h piles in place for bridge abutment (1).jpg 11 5 new map showing detour route on ramp closure nov 16.jpg Drone view of construction of new bridge at Exit 11 (1).jpg Crews placing girders on new bridge superstructure Jan 4 2022.jpg Exit 11 detour map - updated 3 16 22.jpg google map SFT lane closure may 4-6 option 1.jpg Exit 11 detour map - resized for emails.jpg Exit 11 detour map - resized for emails (1).jpg 11 5 new map showing detour route on ramp closure nov 16 (1).jpg detour map to Exit 13B- NB ramp closure 11 30 22.jpg Photo from Clint for webpage 2 21 23.JPG
Assets Assets FPO Exit 11 Detail Map.jpg Trinidad Project Exit 11 Detail (1).pdf Exit 11 Close Up.jpg Virtual Open House Cover.JPG Exit 11 map.jpg Exit 11 States FINAL (1).pdf Exit 11 Current Traffic Patterns 092221.jpg Exit 11 Current Traffic Patterns.pdf Google earth ramp detours marked up.jpg southwest view new h piles in place for bridge abutment (1).jpg 11 5 new map showing detour route on ramp closure nov 16.jpg Drone view of construction of new bridge at Exit 11 (1).jpg Crews placing girders on new bridge superstructure Jan 4 2022.jpg Exit 11 detour map - updated 3 16 22.jpg google map SFT lane closure may 4-6 option 1.jpg Exit 11 detour map - resized for emails.jpg Exit 11 detour map - resized for emails (1).jpg 11 5 new map showing detour route on ramp closure nov 16 (1).jpg detour map to Exit 13B- NB ramp closure 11 30 22.jpg Photo from Clint for webpage 2 21 23.JPG