I-70 & Sheridan Intersection Improvements

Project completed

About the Project:

The Colorado Department of Transportation began intersection improvements along the westbound I-70 off-ramp at Sheridan Boulevard, north of Lake Rhoda.

The improvements will take place over a 2-month period at the westbound I-70 off-ramp intersecting with Sheridan Boulevard, near Mile Point (MP) 271.5.

This project will help regulate the flow of traffic, making the off-ramp safer for both driving motorists as well as pedestrians. Work will primarily consist of signal, roadway improvements, and signing. Work will be done in the northwest lanes of the I-70 off ramp, merging onto northbound Sheridan boulevard.

Work Schedule

  • Daytime work hours range from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Traffic Impacts

  • The project is expected to last until late July.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $807,000
  • Contractor: Interface
  • Timeline: April - July 2022
  • Location: I70 West off-ramp at Sheridan Boulevard north of Lake Rhoda in Denver County

I-70 & Sheridan Intersection improvements project map