I-70 Resurfacing from Dotsero to Gypsum
About the Proje
For this project, I-70 will be resurfaced between Dotsero, at mile marker (MM) 131, and Gypsum, at MM 139. Additionally, safety improvements will be made along the project length, including guardrail replacements, guardrail extensions, bridge rail replacements on nine bridges, bridge deck repairs on four bridges, and the addition of rumble strips and new striping along the length of the project.
Martin Marietta Materials is the contractor for this $8.7 million project.
Project Timeline
Work on this project began Monday, May 14 and will finish in October 2012.
Construction Impacts
Throughout the project, crews will work Mondays through Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day, and Fridays from 7 a.m. to noon. Speed limits will be reduced in the work zone to 40 MPH during work hours, and to 55 MPH during non-work hours.
During construction, motorists will experience up to 15 minute delays on I-70. The aforementioned 24 hour closure is no longer necessary, thanks to ingenuity by the contractor to redesign the work zone.
For more information about weekly lane closures and travel impacts, visit www.coloradodot.info/travel/scheduled-lane-closures.html.