Serpentine Drive & I-25 Wall Repairs in El Paso County
Project completed
Project Overview
Crews are repairing two walls in El Paso County:
Serpentine Drive Retaining Wall
On Feb. 20, 2019, crews closed Serpentine Drive (south of US Highway 24 from mile points 32 to 33) to begin repairing an 84-year-old retaining wall. Work includes reinforcing the structural integrity of the 160-foot-long stone wall, adding drainage and resetting the wall's façade to match the original stonework.
- Work will continue through May.
- Traffic will be redirected to the east Manitou Avenue exit and the west Manitou Avenue (US 24 Business) exit.
- No traffic delays are expected.
I-25 Sound Wall
In March 2019, crews began repairing the sound wall on southbound I-25, from MP 144 to MP 142 (between Bijou and Fillmore streets). Crews will repair, clean and seal the wall's concrete surfaces. The improvements will extend the life of the wall and its aesthetic value.
- Work will continue through late August 2019.
- I-25 will remain open, but minor traffic delays may occur on southbound I-25. A shoulder closure, along with reduced speed limits, may be necessary to provide a safe work zone.
Project Facts
- Contractor: Structures, Inc.
- Timeline: February to August 2019
- Locations:
- Serpentine Drive (south of US Highway 24) from mile point (MP) 32 to MP 33
- Southbound I-25 from MP 144 to MP 142 (between Bijou Street and Fillmore Street)