Access Control Plan
As a part of the CO 66 study, an Access Control Plan (ACP) was developed along the same limits as the PEL Study. The purpose of an ACP is to evaluate existing accesses on the corridor and make long-term recommendations for the location, number, design, and type of future accesses that will improve safety and traffic flow along the corridor. The ACP is being signed into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the agencies on the corridor, including:
- Boulder County
- Weld County
- Town of Lyons
- City of Longmont
- Town of Mead
- Town of Firestone
The approved ACP will guide the agencies’ decisions regarding future access conditions while supporting the planning objectives of the Towns, City, Counties, and CDOT along the corridor.
The report below summarizes the ACP process and recommendations for the SH 66 corridor. The Appendix includes the IGA document between the agencies, the Access Control Plan table and Access maps, and other supplemental material related to the ACP.