Planning Documents Reviewed by the US 24 Project Team
Planning Study Reviews
City of Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan - January 2001
City of Colorado Springs Bicycle Planning Documents (Incorporates the Intermodal Transportation Plan Chapter, Colorado Springs Bicycle Plan, PPACG 2020 Regional Transportation Plan Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Plan) - June 2001
City of Colorado Springs Intermodal Transportation Plan - April 2001
City of Colorado Springs Pikes Peak Regional Park and Ride Plan Final Technical Memorandum - March 2003
City of Colorado Springs 2030 Public Transportation Plan - September 2004
El Paso County Major Transportation Corridors Plan
Gold Hill Mesa Traffic Study - 2004
I-25 Mode Feasibility Analysis - December 2000
I-25 Environmental Assessment - September 2004
Manitou Springs Rainbow Vision Plan - 2000
Midland/Fountain Creek Parkway Corridor Plan - 1988
Midland Master Plan: Amendment to the Westside Plan - 1986
Pikes Peak Historical Street Railway Foundation - March 2005
PPACG 2030 Regional Transportation Plan - October 2004
PPACG Transportation Improvement Plan, 2005-2010 - October 2004
Sustaining Nature and Community in the Pike Peak Region: A Sourcebook for Analyzing Regional Cumulative Effects - December 2003
US 24 Safety/Corridor Study: Colorado Springs to Woodland Park - 1996
Other Planning Studies for Reference
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Trails Master Plan - January 2000
City of Colorado Springs Open Space Plan - 1997
Colorado Springs Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - 2004
East – West Mobility Study - January 2002
El Paso County Master Plan - Current
Fountain Creek Watershed Plan - November 2003
Manitou Springs Open Space Plan - 1997
Mesa Springs Community Plan - July 1986
The Pikes Peak Greenway Master Plan - January 1994
Pikes Peak Multi-Use Plan - September 1999
Red Rock Canyon Open Space Master Plan - May 2004
State Highway No. 4 Plan and Proposed Profile - 1959
Survey of Critical Biological Resources: El Paso County, Colorado - December 2001
Survey of Critical Wetlands and Riparian Areas in El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado - June 2001
Ute Pass Comprehensive Plan - February 1982
Zoning Map Book, City of Colorado Springs - October 1995