Decision Making Process

Fundamental to any successful project is the design and execution of the decision making process and its interdependency on the public process, the technical design and the environmental analysis. The US 24 West Project schedule for public input, technical decisions, and environmental analysis will be planned around the following process.

Decision Making Process

Study Process ChartThe first step is to gain endorsement on the decision making process under which the project will operate through its completion.

The next step requires a clear and thorough understanding of all stakeholder concerns about the function and service provided by US 24 West within the project area. These concerns will then be used to develop the project critical issues and the evaluation criteria.
View list of Ideas Gathered through Jan. '05

Addressing the critical issues becomes the foundation for developing solutions. Beginning with ideas that are developed into concepts and ultimately into alternatives, the stakeholders' input designs the solution. View Critical Issues with Associated Comments




Vision, Critical Issues, and Criteria Chart

Vision, Critical Issues, and Criteria Chart

The criteria, developed from the stakeholder input, will be applied to each idea, concept and alternative to measure how well they address the critical issues and meet project goals. Level 1 screening will measure ideas for effectiveness in addressing the critical issues (the need) and in meeting the goals (the purpose). Level 2 will qualitatively measure the potential solution for their effectiveness in addressing the critical issues and meeting the goals. Level 3 will be a more detailed analysis to measure the impacts of the alternatives balanced with their ability to meet the project goals.

From this analysis, alternatives will be taken forward and described in the environmental document. This document will detail the alternatives including the major transportation elements needed, mitigation, enhancements that are desired, and guidelines for implementation.

At each step in this process all stakeholders will be involved to provide ideas, input and guidance. Stakeholders for the US 24 West process include the residents and businesses along the corridor, commuters, Federal, State and Local officials, environmental and historic groups, parks, retail areas dependent on the corridor for access, and interested citizens.