US 550/US 160 Durango & Alamosa Striping
Project Complete!
This project will remove and replace concrete striping on US 160 in Alamosa and US 160/550 in Durango.
A mile of striping in the center of Alamosa’s downtown on US 160 (6th Street) kicks off the project, between Adams State University and the east end of Main Street, from MP 232.5 to 233.5. Durango will see approximately six miles restriped on US 550 through the city, between Santa Rita Park and Animas View Drive’s north intersection, from MPs 24.14 to 83.34.
New marking tape will be placed into the grooved, recessed channels of the concrete road surface. The installation of the reflective tape into the grooved pavement is especially effective, protecting the stripes from vehicle tires and from maintenance equipment such as plows and brushes.
The striping project is expected to conclude by mid-June, weather permitting. Work will take place in one and a half mile increments.
Work Schedule
- Hours of operation will be overnight from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Alternating one-lane, turn-pocket and shoulder closures are expected through the duration of the project.
Traffic Impacts
- One lane will remain open at all times to keep traffic flowing. Motorists are urged to keep speeds down in the work zone and adhere to new traffic patterns for the safety of everyone and the protection of vehicles.
Project Facts
- Cost: $ 1,240,000
- Contractor: RoadSafe
- Timeline: April - June 2022
- Location: Downtown areas of Durango (US 550) and Alamosa (US 160), La Plata and Alamosa Counties