Wadsworth Boulevard Widening
Project Facts
- Cost: $10 million
Project Team
- Contractor(s):
Phase 1: Structures, Inc.
Phase 2: SEMA Construction
Project Overview
From March 2016 to October 2017, crews completed this project, which improved capacity on Wadsworth Boulevard between Highland Drive and 10th Avenue in Lakewood by adding lanes in each direction.
Project Background
In March 2016, CDOT started construction to improve capacity on Wadsworth Boulevard, between Highland Drive and 10th Avenue.
Phase 1
Work on the first stretch of roadway to improve Wadsworth Boulevard capacity between 10th Avenue and Colfax was completed in summer 2015. Improvements included:
- providing three through lanes on Wadsworth Boulevard in Lakewood;
- adding a center median for safer operations;
- adding a new concrete box culvert to improve drainage in the area; and
- adding a 10-foot-wide multi-use path on both sides of the roadway.
This was the first phase of construction from the US 6 and Wadsworth Interchange Study. The City of Lakewood is contributing significantly to the project costs. Multi-modal access to the new RTD light rail station will also be provided.
Further construction in the area has been laid out in the US 6 and Wadsworth Interchange Study.
Phase 2
Highlights included completing:
- the east sections of a three-cell concrete box culvert with wing walls;
- the east section of the pedestrian box;
- a storm sewer stretching from 10th Avenue to Highland Drive;
- concrete pavement;
- lighting;
- a sidewalk from 10th Avenue to Highland Drive;
- a trail leading from the sidewalk to the pedestrian box;
- gulch improvements;
- a box culvert and the pedestrian box near Highland Drive;
- a multi-use trail;
- paving and sidewalks; and
- drainage and Lakewood Gulch improvements.