Issue Resolution Process

What Happens When Teams Cannot Come to a Recommendation?
If the Technical Team and/or Project Staff are unable to make a recommendation on an element of the alternative, the Project Leadership Team (PLT) reviews the issue and develops an approach to make the recommendation.

If the outstanding issue requires policy input, change, or agreement:

  • The PLT forms and leads a policy group to develop a recommendation or agreement.

If the outstanding issue requires more information or input:

  • The PLT consults either technical experts or the Technical Team, or it forms an Issue Task Force to develop a recommendation.

If the outstanding issue is the result of not including the right stakeholders:

  • The PLT forms an Issue Task Force of appropriate stakeholders.
  • The Project Staff develops a process that the Issue Task Force will use to reach a recommendation.
  • The Project Staff leads the recommendation process and delivers the result to the PLT and Technical Team for endorsement.