Goals and Functions of the I-70 Mountain Corridor Historic Context

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is also in the process of preparing a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF) that includes the information provided in this historic context, as well as additional elements to assist in identifying and evaluating historic properties. The MPDF will be reviewed and approved by the Colorado Historic Preservation Review Board and the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).  These reviews will begin in July of 2011, with the MPDF going to the Review Board in January 2012. When the MPDF has been reviewed and approved, it will be posted on this Web site, and will be used to evaluate historic properties for I-70 Mountain Corridor projects.

Please note that the content of the historic context is in draft form and is subject to change once the MPDF has been finalized.

The MPDF format is a framework formally recognized by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP) for presenting context information and guidelines for evaluating historic resources in terms of the NRHP. The document was also prepared following the Section 106 guidelines of the National Historic Preservation Act.

The MPDF is intended to meet several categories of goals that take into account future cultural resource compliance projects and community interests regarding heritage tourism and historic preservation in the I-70 Mountain Corridor.

Guidance for Future Cultural Resource Work:

All historic work on CDOT projects will follow established protocol for coordination and review with CDOT staff and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) throughout the life of the project.

The MPDF document is designed to serve as a guide for future work with historic resources in the I-70 Mountain Corridor. In this capacity, the document will help researchers understand the history of the corridor, identify and interpret common types of historic resources, and evaluate their significance in terms of the NRHP.

Goal: To chart, in detail, the history of the I-70 Mountain Corridor. In order to present this charting in an organized and accessible manner, the authors have divided the corridor into seven dominant historical themes. A historical theme is based on a type of industry or a land-use pattern represented today by historic resources. The dominant themes in the I-70 Mountain Corridor are based on common types of historic resources known to exist.

Goal: To identify important events, trends, places, and people under each theme. This will provide researchers with a framework in which to perceive historic resources and evaluate their importance according to NRHP Criteria.

Goal: To establish definitions for specific resource types. Clearly defining the common resource types will standardize their recordation and evaluation in terms of the NRHP.

Goal: To provide clear descriptions of resource types and industrial processes and methods. Such text will help researchers identify, understand, and evaluate resources as they are encountered in the field.

Goal: To specify the requirements that historic resources must meet for eligibility to the NRHP. Integrity of resource, the application of each NRHP Criterion, and other requirements will serve as guidelines for evaluating the significance of historic resources. This will standardize the evaluation process and ensure objective work.

Heritage Tourism and Historic Preservation:

Goal: To provide accurate and detailed histories of heavily visited segments in the I-70 Mountain Corridor, which local entities can use in a variety of ways.

Goal: To provide material that local entities can use for heritage tourism publications. Local entities can extract text from the sections on history and technology for signage, pamphlets, and promotional literature regarding historic resources.

Goal: To enhance the current level of understanding of specific types of historic resources. Local entities can use the document to identify and interpret architectural, engineering, and archaeological resources for public education.

Goal: To help local entities assess the importance of their historic resources. The document provides guidance to local entities for evaluating their historic resources and nominating them to the NRHP.

Goal: To write the document in a manner that will better serve local communities. The document will be accessible to readers, and it will provide clear guidance on types and forms of historic resources and the evaluation process.

The I-70 Mountain Corridor:

Goal: The document is intended to serve the corridor through the year 2020.

Goal: The document is intended to be the principal guide required for the identification, recordation, understanding, and evaluation of historic resources during any phase of work in the I-70 Mountain Corridor.

Goal: The I-70 Mountain Corridor project is both high-profile and precedent-setting. As a component of the project, the MPDF is intended to be a standard for future projects of similar nature.