A Safe System guide for transportation (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety)

Traffic Safety Pulse News

Communities across the nation are turning to the Safe System approach to design transportation systems as a way to eventually reduce crash deaths and injuries to zero — the goal of Vision Zero programs. The Safe System approach uses thoughtful road and vehicle design to minimize the chance of a crash when people make mistakes and, when crashes do occur, to reduce crash forces so that people are less likely to be injured.

Recognizing the urgency for demonstrating progress in implementing the Safe System approach in the near term, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety partnered with Johns Hopkins University and the University of North Carolina to develop pro-safety policy messaging and considerations for helping communities achieve success.

The purpose of this guide is to assist local decision makers, transportation professionals, and community advocates in effectively communicating about why the Safe System policies and engineering approaches are necessary, how they work, and how they benefit everyone who uses the roads. The proposed guide is intended for use by those implementing or advocating for Safe System improvements at the community level. Click here to read the full report and recommendations.