We love small towns. We love small people even more.

Traffic Safety Pulse News

The team at Car Seats Colorado works hard year-round to train people as certified car seat safety technicians. Sure, we work in the "big city," but we also love spending time in small towns across Colorado. Car seat and booster seat safety for our smallest inhabitants statewide is important. And every community at some point deserves our undivided attention.

Colorado car seat check data shows that more than 60% of parents are making mistakes when buying, installing or using a car seat or booster seat.

Colorado needs more car seat technicians, especially in rural areas of our state. Resources are limited and sometimes that means caregivers have to drive hours just to find a certified technician. Country kids deserve to be just as safe as city kids, suburban kids and every kid in between.

Child on a farm with a small goat. Car Seats Colorado logo and color overlay frames the photo.

So, what is a car seat technician?
Our training provides education on crash dynamics, injury prevention strategies, child restraint selection and installation, and vehicle occupant protection systems. In short, you become an expert on car seat and booster seat safety. You can then be an invaluable community resource by having the ability to teach parents and caregivers how to keep their kids safe.

How does the training work?
This course is taught through a combination of lectures, hands-on practice, written quizzes and hands-on skills assessments. The training concludes with a community car seat inspection event. Participants must be in attendance for the entire course and successfully pass all assessments to become certified.

Once I’m certified, then what?
CPS technicians and instructors use their considerable knowledge and expertise at a variety of community-based activities, such as child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive education and hands-on assistance. CPS technicians and instructors also keep up to date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities.

Ready to sign up and help out?
Our future ranchers, backcountry guides, diner staff, and wide-open-space-lovers need your help. Upcoming trainings in out-state Colorado include:

  • Steamboat Springs: Aug. 7-10
  • Cortez: Aug. 21-24
  • Grand Junction: Sept. 11-14

If you’d like to request a training in your town, email Car Seats Colorado program coordinator Angel Giffin at [email protected].