Drop the Distraction 2017 Campaign Launches During National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

On every road and highway, there’s one thing you’re almost certain to see – distracted drivers. According to a recent survey of Colorado drivers, cell phone use behind the wheel is an ongoing threat in our state, with 22 percent admitting to reading a message while driving. Beyond messaging, 64 percent had selected entertainment on a mobile device and 33 percent had talked on a hand-held phone.
To encourage all drivers to be aware of their digital addiction and drop the distraction, CDOT and CSP are joining in a national effort to recognize April as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, bringing attention to the threat distracted drivers pose. To engage the public using social media, CDOT asked Facebook users to submit distracted driving prevention videos to be shared publicly on its page, using CDOT’s popular Killer Habits 2016 distracted driving PSA to initiate participation. CDOT also invited Facebook users to share their own experiences — whether it’s a prevention tip or if they’ve been the victim of a distracted driver — to start a meaningful social conversation about the dangers of distracted driving.
In addition, as part of CDOT’s Drop the Distraction campaign, CDOT is bringing its signature “Distraction Games” – a series of educational and engaging activities that correlate with distracted driving statistics – to community events throughout metro Denver in April and May, including Teens Take the Wheel; Family, Community & Career Leaders of America; and Eaglecrest High School.