MOST: Tejon Street Bike Fest Event

CDOT recently hosted a booth for the Motorcycle Operator Safety Training program (MOST) at the 17th annual Tejon Street Bike Fest in Colorado Springs. The event sought to encourage the more than 30,000 attendees to participate in a motorcycle safety training course.
CDOT’s tent featured local pinstriper, Joe Broxterman from Speedway Graphics, who provided free pinstripe designs for bike helmets throughout the day, drawing large crowds to the booth. A raffle was also held for one rider to win a full pinstripe design for their bike, up to $500 in value. MOST instructors staffed the booth and spoke to attendees about the importance of safety training. The MOST program, available in 16 Colorado counties, provides training for various riding abilities.
In 2016, there were 125 motorcyclist fatalities – that’s a 15 percent increase from the number of fatalities in 2015 and a record all-time high for Colorado. Motorcyclist deaths have been on the rise for the past few years, which is why CDOT is encouraging riders to participate in motorcycle safety training courses offered across the state. The majority of motorcyclist fatalities last year occurred from May to October, and 61 percent of those killed were not wearing a helmet.