Local Agency Reevaluation
The Chief Engineer of the Colorado Department of Transportation has requested that an evaluation of the Local Agency administered program be conducted to see if changes can be implemented that benefit both CDOT and the Local Agencies, while improving compliance with the Federal Regulations. CDOT is interested in exploring ways to streamline existing processes where possible, leading to revisions of the current guidance in the CDOT Local Agency Manual. A copy of the Memorandum from Chief Engineer Pam Hutton to initiate this reevaluation of the program can be found in the Quick Links on the left.
Meeting dates, times and locations will be listed as they are established. Local Agencies that have questions can contact their CDOT Project Manager or their Region Local Agency Coordinator for more information. Meeting agendas, notes, and materials will be posted as they become available. In total, 18 meetings are planned statewide to gather the input from the attending Local Agencies. Meeting notes from the meetings will be posted on this website shortly after each meeting.
At the conclusion of the 18 meetings, the feedback gathered from the meetings will be forwarded on to a soon-to-be-created Task Force for making recommended changes to the Local Agency Program to CDOT and FHWA management. CDOT anticipates having two Local Agency representatives from each CDOT Region along with the CDOT Local Agency Coordinators as members of the Task Force. In the future, Task Force meeting dates, times and locations along with those meeting notes will be available from this webpage.
For those that are unable to attend the meetings and want to provide comments on the Local Agency Program, the meeting notes, or suggested revisions to the Local Agency Manual, you can e-mail your information to [email protected]. Know that your e-mail will not be responded to directly as this location is set up only to receive information that will be forwarded on to the Task Force. Should you have questions about the Local Agency Program, please contact your CDOT Project Manager or the CDOT Local Agency Program Coordinator.