Traffic will switch onto new US 550 lanes, Grandview interchange July 14
Travel Advisory

La Plata County - The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor Lawrence Construction will open the new US Highway 550 alignment to traffic on Sunday, July 14. On that day, all north and southbound traffic will be shifted onto the new four-lane divided highway between County Road 302 and the US 160 and US 550 Grandview interchange, east of Durango.
“The commute to and from Durango will be a bit of a change for motorists, especially those who would normally take Farmington Hill,” Regional Transportation Director Julie Constan said. “As motorists learn to navigate the new interchange alignment, we urge them to allow adequate travel time, slow down and pay attention to signage.”
Motorists will be traveling on the brand new roadway of two 12-foot-wide travel lanes and over two new bridges located south of the interchange. Roundabouts are located on either side of the Grandview bridge; including the existing Wilson Gulch roundabout to the north and the new Grandview roundabout to the south.
This traffic switch will involve the closing of the existing route of “Farmington Hill,” sending motorists instead through the Grandview interchange. Soon after, the signal at the Farmington Hill intersection will be removed and the old highway will be removed and re-vegetated.
Traffic Switch Impacts
Beginning at 7 a.m. on Sunday, July 14, motorists will encounter the following travel impacts and traffic pattern changes:
- US 550 northbound - use the interchange to go east or west on US 160
- Expect traffic slowing with flagging crews as barrels are moved throughout the day to accommodate the mobile operation of shifting lanes and removing striping to accommodate the traffic shift north of CR 302. Intermittent stops will occur as well
- The existing US 550 alignment of Farmington Hill will be closed; motorists will continue on the new northbound lanes to the new Grandview roundabout and into the Grandview interchange
- Follow signs to continue east or west on US 160, or onto Wilson Gulch Road to the hospital or Three Springs community
- US 550 southbound towards New Mexico - use the interchange to access US 550 south
- Farmington Hill will be closed and the traffic signal inactive
- Eastbound motorists will continue east past the old Farmington Hill signal and use the off-ramp onto the interchange, travel through the new roundabouts, then south on US 550
- Westbound motorists will need to be in the right lane and be prepared to take the off-ramp, west of Three Springs Boulevard, to access the interchange, travel through the new roundabouts, then south on US 550
- US 160 east and westbound - through traffic between Durango and Bayfield
- The only change these travelers will notice is the signal at the base of Farmington Hill will be inactive (and eventually removed)

Navigating the new configuration
- Take it slow. The speed limit will remain lowered to 40 mph while the switch is underway, which will include several follow-up days of restriping and traffic shifts
- The lowered speed limit will remain in place until the project is completed later this summer
Roundabout Reminders
There is a roundabout on either side of the Grandview interchange: the existing Wilson Gulch roundabout to the north and the new Grandview roundabout to the south.
- Approach the roundabout and stop/slow before you enter
- Traffic moves counterclockwise. Right turns only entering and exiting a roundabout
- Choose your lane
- Enter the roundabout, yielding to traffic from the left and take it slow (the speed limit is 25 mph)
- Signal your intended exit, as you would at any other roadway intersection (while signaling in roundabouts is not law in Colorado, it is recommended, and also courteous)
- Use signs and pavement markings to help guide you
- If you miss your exit, simply drive through the roundabout again
- Visit the project website at for a video on roundabout travel
Project Contact Information
For additional information about this project:
- Call the project information line at 970-880-2800
- Email the project team at: [email protected]
- Visit the project website at:
- For general travel impact updates for this and other CDOT projects:
Know Before You Go
Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts, anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions before hitting the road. CDOT and other resources include:
- Road conditions and travel information website:
- Chain and traction law information:
- Sign up for project or travel alerts:
- See scheduled lane closures:
- Connect with @ColoradoDOT on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
- Weather forecasts:
- Check avalanche conditions at CAIC:
Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone
The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.
- Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
- Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
- Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
- Don't change lanes unnecessarily.
- Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
- Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
- Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
- Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
- Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
- Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
- Be patient!
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