I-70 Express Lanes: Idaho Springs to Empire

The I-70 Express Lanes run adjacent to the free general-purpose lanes from the Veterans Memorial Tunnels in Idaho Springs to Empire. Known as the“Mountain Express Lanes”, these 12-mile-long, managed lanes feature traffic management systems to improve mobility and provide drivers with a reliable, time-saving option. These lanes are open during peak travel times, mostly on weekends and holidays. When not open to traffic, the lanes are used as an emergency shoulder for vehicle breakdowns and emergency services. Tolling began on the eastbound lanes in 2015 and on the westbound lanes in 2022. Drivers are billed for using the Express Lane either through their license plate or ExpressToll pass/transponder.
How to Use the Express Lane
Toll only. No HOV. Trucks and trailers are not permitted.
I Travel in a:

On the I-70 Mountain Express Lane, motorcycles have to pay the toll. Motorcycles must have an ExpressToll account in order to receive the discounted toll rate (Note: motorcycles do not need a physical ExpressToll pass as long as the motorcycle license plate has been added to an ExpressToll account). Motorcycles without an ExpressToll account will be charged the higher License Plate Toll (LPT) toll rate.

Toll only for all vehicles.
Corridor Basics
- These lanes are only open during peak travel periods – they are used as emergency shoulders all other times.
- 12 miles of Express Lanes between the Veterans Memorial Tunnels to the Empire interchange.
- All motorcycles and vehicles are tolled.
- No HOV 3+ available.
- Adjustable toll pricing system used – prices depend on the day of the week.
- Overhead signage indicates current toll prices and if the lane is open or closed. Tolls are collected through the vehicle’s ExpressToll account or License Plate Toll.
- Safety Enforcement Program in effect. Sophisticated roadside technology is used to enforce the following rules:
- No oversized vehicles (trucks or trailers) are allowed.
- No weaving across the solid yellow line.
- Only use the Express Lanes when they are open.