Noise Mitigation
2006 C-470 Environmental Assessment
The C-470 Environmental Assessment document was signed by the Federal Highway Administration and the Colorado Department of Transportation in February 2006. This project has been on hold since 2006.
In February 2013, the C-470 Coalition obtained consensus on Express Lanes as the preferred C-470 funding alternative, in partnership with CDOT. In a continued partnership with the C-470 Coalition, CDOT is preparing a Revised Environmental Assessment (EA) and entered into design-build procurement in spring 2014.
The Express Lanes alternative being analyzed in the Revised EA differs from the 2006 EA. The current alternative has different access designs and locations, no longer includes barrier separation, and includes auxiliary lanes in select locations. All information related to the design-build project will be made available on this site.
Highway Traffic Noise: Assessment and Abatement
CDOT, February 2004
Related links
Information on traffic noise impact studies and mitigation