Colorado Springs Capital Signal Replacement

Project Facts

  • Cost:
    $2 million

Project Team

  • Contractor(s): TBD

Crews on this project upgraded signal equipment and improved operations at the following intersections:

  • US 24 and Cave of the Winds Road (Colorado Springs)
  • CO 21 and Proby Parkway (Colorado Springs)
  • US 24 and West (Woodland Park)
  • US 24 and Fairview (Woodland Park)
  • US 24 and Baldwin (Woodland Park)
  • US 24 and Center (Woodland Park)
  • US 24 and Morning Sun (Woodland Park)

This project also improved:

  • accessibility to signal poles and crossing intersections.
  • pedestrian safety and access via enhancements at US 24 and Center.
  • drainage and utility features, as necessary.