SH 96 Bridges
This project is a modified design-build on SH 96 beginning at MP 114.47 and ending at MP 142.00 west of Haswell. The project includes removing and replacing four timber structures with concrete box culverts, roadway reconstruction, asphalt paving, seeding and mulching, signing and striping, and erosion control. The project began October 18, 2010 and is scheduled for completion in May 2011. Structures Inc. is the prime contractor on this $2.9 million project financed by vehicle registration fees, FASTER established a Statewide Bridge Enterprise, funding the maintenance and repair of Colorado’s most urgent structurally-deficient and functionally-obsolete bridges.
The four timber bridges that will replaced are:
1. Black Draw (mile 114.5), four miles east of
Sugar City – built 1932
2. Unnamed Draw (mile 121.1), nine miles west of
Arlington – built 1948
3. Unnamed Draw (mile 123.2), seven miles west of
Arlington – built 1948
4. Unnamed Draw (mile 141.9), two miles west of
Haswell – built 1936
Traffic Impacts: Traffic signals are currently regulating traffic for the one-lane paved detours at milepost 114 and at milepost 121.1, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Project Update: The existing structures have been removed and the precast concrete box culverts are in place at milepost 114 and milepost 121.1. The contractor is currently constructing the wing wall footers and toe walls at both sites in preparation to pour the wing walls and aprons.
Unnamed Draw (mile 123.2) |
Unnamed Draw (mile 121.1) |
Unnamed Draw (mile 141.9) |
Black Draw (mile 114.5) |