Public Scoping and Critical Issues Exercise

Tool Kit Tip

This exercise will highlight the critical issues at a project-specific level while recognizing the significant contribution of past efforts in identifying the many and varied issues along the corridor.

Engage the public in the following exercise to refine the project scope and develop criteria:

The Exercise

  • Ask participants to review the information provided on the large informational boards (see description below of materials needed).
  • Once participants have had a chance to review the critical issues, provide them with three adhesive markers and some sticky notes.
  • Ask participants to place a star (or whatever adhesive marker you have chosen to provide) next to the three issues they believe to be most critical to this project.
  • Ask them to write down any critical issues they believe to be missing on their sticky notes and place them on the board.
  • Review the boards following the meeting to assess which issues were most populated with the adhesive markers provided. These will be criteria of focus for the project. Also, review any critical issues provided on sticky notes to ensure that all critical issues are included in criteria.
  • Report back to the public on your findings.

Materials Needed

  • Large informational boards showing the following: Context Statement, Core Values, list of critical issues identified in earlier corridor exercises
  • Adhesive markers, such as star stickers or engineering dots
  • Sticky notes