Working Groups - Sustainability

  • Members list
  • Sustainability Working Group Materials/Previous Sustainability Working Group Meeting Materials
  • July 16, 2009
    • (Documents pending)
    April 30, 2009
    • April 30, 2009 Meeting Minutes
    October 2, 2008
    • October 2, 2008 Agenda
    • October 2, 2008 Meeting Minutes
    September 4, 2008
    • September 4, 2008 Agenda
    • September 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes
    August 4, 2008
    • August 4, 2008 Agenda
    • August 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes
  • Documents submitted by members
  • Submitted by Harry Dale
    • The Nexus of Peak Oil, Climate Change and Infrastructure, September 23, 2008
    • Public Transportation and Petroleum Saving in the US, January 2007
    • Peak Oil, Climate Change and Transportation, May 22, 2008
    • Peak Oil Review, June 9, 2008
    • Heading for the Exit Lane, June 26, 2008
    • Sustainable Transportation Indicators
    • 2008 ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Boyd Michael
    • 2008 ASPO-USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Matthew Simmons
    • "Power Politics" The Dash For The World´s Energy Resources Mark Griffiths
    • Peak Oil: A Survey of Security Concerns By Neil King, Jr.
    • 2008 ASPO–USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Dan Sperling
    • Biofuels: Facts and Fallacies Robert Napier
    • 2008 ASPO–USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Jim Puplava
    • 2008 ASPO–USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Ken Verosub
    • Energy Business Watch: American Society for Peak Oil Andrew D. Weissman
    • It's Time America Jeremy Gilbert
    • 2008 ASPO–USA Peak Oil Conference Proceedings Randy Udall
    Submitted by Michelle Halstead
    • DRCOG Measuring Progress – Regional Performance Measures & Indicators
    Submitted by Art Ballah
    • Trucking Industry - Sustainability & Environmental Strategies
    • Alternate Algal – Based Jet fuel
    • Task Force Strategies for Reduction of Trucking Industry Carbon Footprint
    • Clean Communities on the Move
    • Ten Point Program for Reducing Diesel Emissions
    • EPA SmartWay Transport Partnership
    Submitted by Betsy Hand