Virtual Public Engagement
CDOT is gathering feedback on the Mt. Garfield Culvert Study during a public engagement period through Nov. 20, 2020. Please review the project video and presentation documents below. Due to current limitations on public events during COVID-19, CDOT will provide virtual opportunities for public engagement. Information about this study will be shared online here.
Virtual Public Engagement Process
Virtual public engagement includes, but is not exclusive to, the following process: project stakeholders will be notified of the opportunity to review the study details and how to provide feedback by:
- Press release announcement for local media
- Direct mail to adjacent property owners
- Emails to project stakeholders
- Public notification on CDOT’s Facebook and Twitter pages
If a neighbor or stakeholder does not have access to a computer, all information on the project is available by calling Michelle Hansen at 720-771-3056. CDOT encourages public input on all projects.
Submit Feedback
To submit feedback please email Michelle Hansen at michelle@stolfusandassociates.
Submit Feedback, Comments & Questions Comment Form - Printable Version (PDF)
If you don’t have access to the internet, please call Michelle Hansen at 720-771-3056 for information or to submit feedback.