Vasquez Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) conducted a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study for the Vasquez/I-270 interchange, and for Vasquez Boulevard between 52nd Avenue on the south and 64th Avenue on the north. This study was a cooperative effort among CDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Commerce City, Adams County, and the City and County of Denver.

The Vasquez PEL study evaluated the existing and future operating conditions, and defined short-term and long-term improvements for the area. Some of the short-term improvements may include new turn lanes, improved signal timing or making property access more effective.

The study identified improvements that consider long-term transportation needs, such as:

  • capacity;
  • safety;
  • access;
  • connectivity; and
  • transit, pedestrian, and bicycle needs.

The study was concluded in August 2018. CDOT and its partners will continue to define both the short-term and long-term solutions to move forward to construction. For access to the study documents listed below, contact the project team.

Study Documents

  • Final Report: August 2018
  • FHWA PEL Questionnaire
  • Study Area Conditions Assessment Report
  • Supporting Documentation from the Alternatives Development Process
  • Traffic Operations Analysis & Memoranda
  • Public & Agency Coordination
  • Letters of Agency Support
  • Near-Term Projects Implementation Plan