Protect Your Students Before and After School
As leaders in your School District, it’s important to have the necessary information to protect your students – even when they aren’t at school.
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for tween and teenage children - Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Team Colorado wants to ensure you have resources to impact this scary statistic. The materials we can provide help educate students, staff and parents. When it comes to keeping children safe in the car, most people think of toddlers and infants but actually older children are often less likely to be properly restrained. In fact, only 78 percent of 5-15 year olds were properly restrained compared to nearly 93 percent of 0-4 year olds, in 2013.
To educate both parents and students about the importance of using a booster seat, sitting in the back seat until the age of 12 and always buckling up, CPS Team Colorado has distributed posters to elementary and middle schools for you to hang in your halls and other high traffic areas. Please help us spread this important safety message by displaying these posters in your school. Additional campaign materials are available online – including English and Spanish brochures, posters and infographics – at in the “Parents” tab.
CPS Team Colorado is comprised of more than 1,000 nationally certified CPS technicians in the State of Colorado. These technicians are professionals from various local services such as: law enforcement, emergency services, non-profits, medical centers and many other professionals who are dedicated to protecting children from their leading cause of death. To find a certified technician to visit your school, visit and click on “Find an Inspection Station.”
Thank you for taking the time to review this message and focus on the safety of your students. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to call me, Cpl. Heather Cobler, Colorado State Patrol, 303-239-4537, or [email protected].
Here’s how you can help!
Step 1: Hang the posters in your school or request posters for your school by emailing [email protected].
Step 2: Request the informational brochure “Boost ‘Em in the Back” brochure - available in English and Spanish.
Step 3: Send the brochure home with your tweens and teenagers and encourage them to do the “5-Step Test.”
Step 4: Have the students discuss how to be a safe passenger!