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Continues work on Interstate 25 South Gap (from Monument to Castlerock). Funding will cover the removal of newly discovered unsuitable excavated materials to allow for roadway completion.

NEPA Study will evaluate new lane capacity, roadway widening and shoulders along I-270 between I-76 and I-70. Project would include full roadway reconstruction and widening of I-270. Includes bridge replacement and interchange ramp improvements.

During the 30-day closure crews will be working 24/7 as weather conditions permit. Following the closure, crews plan to work Monday through Saturday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. As the project progresses, crews will work on Sundays if needed and could work later in the evening during the summer to take advantage of longer periods of daylight.

Valley Highway Phase 3 and 4 improvements would consolidate heavy and light rail tracks away from I-25 and provide space to improve safety through highway geometric and access improvements. This project also includes funding for I-25 Corridor Traffic and Revenue Study.

NEPA Study to consider expanding west bound Floyd Hill from two lanes to three along Interstate 70 West. It would also include the replacement of the Westbound Bridge at the bottom of Floyd Hill and considers straightening the alignment by adding a tunnel at the bottom of Floyd Hill.

Funding to complete a peak period shoulder lane (PPSL) along I-70 West from the Veterans Memorial Tunnels to Empire Junction.

Urban arterial safety investments along will focus on bicycle and pedestrian mobility including shoulders, striping, medians, signals, and safe crossings that align with DRCOG’s Vision Zero elements.

CDOT Region Map (PDF)

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