Updated - Region 2 Project Specific Powers and Milton Proby Interchange Design Engineering Services
Region 2 Project Specific Powers and Milton Proby Interchange Design Engineering Services. 1st Date of Publication: 8/18/2022. Proposal Submission Deadline: 9/22/2022. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R2081822. Updated 8/19/2022 - Additional instruction added to Approach Section of RFP document.
Updated - Region 2 Project Specific Powers and Milton Proby Interchange Design Engineering Services
Region 2 Project Specific Powers and Milton Proby Interchange Design Engineering Services. 1st Date of Publication: 8/18/2022. Proposal Submission Deadline: 9/22/2022. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R2081822. Updated 8/19/2022 - Additional instruction added to Approach Section of RFP document.