Updated (2) - Region 1 Project Specific I-70 Noise Wall Replacement I-76 to Pecos, Construction Management, Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Engineering Services

Region 1 Project Specific I-70 Noise Wall Replacement I-76 to Pecos, Construction Management, Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Engineering Services. First Advertisement Date: 9/14/2023. Proposal Submission Deadline: 10/5/2023. Submit electronically through the BidNet RFx #R1091423A. Update 9/21/2023 - An updated RFP document has been uploaded to resolve an inconsistency between the pre-interview criteria weighting and post-interview criteria weighting. Section 5.F. has now been updtaded in red to correct that error. Update (2) 10/4/2023 - An updated RFP document has been uploaded as Addendum 2. The same language was included in two sections of the RFP document, the Project Team Section at 6.C.1.(a)(4) and the Firm Capability Section at 6.D.4.(a). This langage has been struck through in red to remove it from the Project Team Section and will be scored only as part of the Firm Capability Section.