B-504 LRFD MSE/GRS Wall Worksheet DGNs

September 2016. These new worksheets in DGN format supersede all of the existing MSE worksheets issued in October 2013.
Title Type
B-504-L2, Rail Anchor Slab with Block Facing GRS Wall 3/4:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-L3, Micropile A-Frame with Block Facing GRS Wall 3/4:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-L4, Rail Anchor Slab with Block Facing GRS Wall 1/2:1 Rock Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-L5, Rail Anchor Slab with Block Facing GRS Wall 1/2:1 Rock Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-M1, Block Facing GRS Wall with Roadway Rail and 1:1 Soil Excavation or Fill, 09/2016 File
B-504-M2, Truncated Base Block Facing GRS Wall with Roadway Rail and 3/4:1 Soil Excavation or Fill, 09/2016 File
B-504-M3, Truncated Base Block Facing GRS Wall with Roadway Rail and 1/2:1 Rock Excavation or Fill, 09/2016 File
B-504-N1, Block Facing GRS Wall for Backslope or Roadway with 1:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-N2, Truncated Base Block Facing GRS Wall for Backslope or Roadway with 3/4:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-N3, Truncated Base Block Facing GRS Wall for Backslope or Roadway with 1/2:1 Rock Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-O1, LRFD GRS Wall with Rail Anchor Slab/Beam Design Charts/Table, 09/2016 File
B-504-O2, LRFD GRS Wall with Roadway Rail Design Charts/Table, 09/2016 File
B-504-O3, LRFD GRS Wall with 2H(Min):1V Back Slope Design Charts/Table, 09/2016 File
B-504-O4, LRFD GRS Wall with 2H(Min):1V Broken Back Slope Design Charts/Table File
B-504-Q1, Summary of Quantities and Wall Data, 09/2016 File
B-504-Q2, Pay Items for Shored Soil Mass Wall, 09/2016 File
B-504-Q3, Pay Items for Truncated Base MSE Wall with 1/2:1 Rock Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-Q4, Pay Items for Truncated Base MSE Wall with 3/4:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-Q5, Pay Items for Truncated Base with or without A-Frame MSE Wall with 1/2:1 Rock Excavation, 09/2016 File
B-504-Q6, Pay Items for Truncated Base with or without A-Frame MSE Wall with 3/4:1 Soil Excavation, 09/2016 File