Paving Project on Colorado Boulevard Resumes After a Winter Shutdown

May 24, 2011 - PROJECT UPDATE - Denver Metro Colorado/CDOT Region 6 - DENVER – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has resumed a surface treatment project on Colorado Boulevard between Alameda Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard following a winter shutdown that began in January 2011.

The remaining work on the project consists of rotomilling and paving and should take just over one month to complete, weather permitting.

“We completed the median repairs, intersection improvements and a small portion of the rotomilling and paving last year,” said CDOT Project Engineer Kurt Kionka.  “Our activities will now focus on paving, which must be done at night due to the high traffic volumes on Colorado Boulevard during the day.”

To complete the project, crews need to rotomill and pave one lane of northbound and southbound Colorado Boulevard between Alameda Avenue and Colfax Avenue and rotomill and pave all three lanes of northbound and southbound Colorado Boulevard between Colfax Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.  For the first three to four weeks, crews will mainly work north of Colfax Avenue.  After approximately one month, crews will finish paving between Alameda Avenue and Colfax Avenue.

Throughout the remainder of the project, there will be double lane closures from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., Sunday through Thursday.  Major delays are possible and alternate routes are strongly advised.  CDOT would like to remind motorists to obey all construction signs and flaggers and to “Slow for the Cone Zone”

In all, the project will rotomill and pave 3.5 miles of Colorado Boulevard in asphalt; reconstruct the median and curb ramps; upgrade three traffic signals at 17th Avenue, Colfax Avenue and Montview Boulevard and improve turn lanes at those intersections. All the work is complete except for the rotomilling and paving.

LaFarge West, Inc. is the contractor of this $3.8 million project, which should be complete by the end of June or early July 2011.

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