Overnight lane closures on Southbound I-225 for sign installations Jan. 13 & 14
DENVER – The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor partner KECI Colorado Inc. will conclude work on a pilot project to reduce congestion on southbound I-225 between Yosemite Street and the I-25 interchange in the Denver Tech Center area. Crews completed the conversion of the shoulder into an additional lane by restriping less than one mile of southbound I-225 late last year. This weekend, motorists can expect various single and double lane closures along southbound I-225 as crews complete final sign installation.
Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018, 9 p.m. to 10 a.m. – Motorists can expect various single lane closures along southbound I-225 between Yosemite St. and I-25. One lane of travel will remain open at all times.
Sunday, Jan. 14, 2018, 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. – Motorists can expect various single lane closures along southbound I-225 between Yosemite St. and I-25. One lane of travel will remain open at all times.
For additional information about this project, call the project information line at 720-275-8243 or find the project website and sign up for updates at www.codot.gov/projects. For information on travel conditions visit COTrip.org, sign up for GovDelivery, or call 511. Updates are also available via Twitter @coloradodot and CDOT’s Facebook page at Facebook.com/coloradodot.