2-Week Closure of US 50 Off-Ramps to Pueblo Chemical Depot Starts Oct. 29
CROWLEY & PUEBLO COUNTIES—From 9 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 29 through Nov. 11, crews will close the eastbound and westbound US 50 off-ramps labeled Pueblo Chemical Depot/Pueblo Plex (at mile point (MP) 329) as crews mill and pave the road. During this time, the Pueblo Chemical Depot will only be accessible from the north entrance.

Electronic signs will be in place to reroute motorists to exit US 50 at the Pueblo Memorial Airport exit (between MP 321 and 322) to access the north entrance of the Pueblo Chemical Depot.
- Exit US 50 at the Pueblo Airport exit (between MP 321 and 322).
- Go north on Paul Harvey Boulevard.
- Turn east on United Avenue (County Road 3).
- United Avenue will turn into D O T Road (still County Road 3).
- Stay on D O T Road until the fork with the exit sign for Pueblo Chemical Depot.

Project Info
Work on this project will include bridge repairs, overlay work, installation of Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) -compliant ramps on CO 167, and repaving and chip seal work on CO 96. Temperature dependent, crews plan to complete bridge work on CO 167 and ramp overlay operations on CO 96 by December 2018. In spring, crews will recommence overlay and paving work on CO 96 and CO 167. Work is expected to end summer 2019.
Regular work hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.
A&S Construction of Canon City is the prime contractor on this $6.3 million project.
Stay Informed
- Hotline: 719-219-6865
- Email: [email protected]
- Website
- Travel conditions: COtrip.org
- See scheduled lane closures.
- Sign up for project and real-time travel alerts