All lanes open and traffic restored to normal configuration along US 36 between Wadsworth and Church Ranch boulevards
October 4, 2019 - Denver Metro Area, Colorado
As of 4:45 this morning, October 4, all lanes of US 36 between Wadsworth and Church Ranch boulevards are now open and have been restored to the original configuration, with the Express Lanes in both directions also open and operational.
A temporary bike path is also open. Bicyclists should exercise caution while riding through this area, because the path is located near the active construction zone and in close proximity to US 36 traffic separated by a 3-foot-tall concrete barrier.
Additional work on the wall, final bike path, and fence is expected to last through December.

The media tour is still set for 10:30 a.m. at the US 36 project site. Below are the details again.
10:30 a.m. Friday, October 4
US 36 project site; Entrance is located at 10850 Wadsworth Blvd. Westminster, CO 80021.
A group tour of the project for updated footage and an opportunity for an interview following that about progress made and work that remains.
From Denver, take WB US 36 and exit Church Ranch Blvd.
Go west on Church Ranch to Wadsworth Blvd. (not to be confused with Wadsworth Pkwy).
Go north on Wadsworth Blvd.
The entrance to the project is just north of the stoplight at 108th on the east side, past the barn. Parking is available near the project trailers.
Once parked, please check in at the table to get a hard hat and vest. Please remember that closed toe shoes are required.