Local Government Liaison

CDOT's local government liaisons enhance and improve the Transportation Commission and CDOT's relationship with local governments. Local governments are one of CDOT's most active and vocal constituencies because the transportation planning process is a locally driven, grass-roots effort. The impacts of transportation issues and projects are often felt the greatest at the local level.
Local government liaisons provide strategic and analytical support from a policy perspective to the executive director, executive management team and Transportation Commission on transportation issues of concern to local governments. The position also helps to communicate to local governments the issues being considered by the Transportation Commission and how those issues may impact individual local communities.
For specific questions, please contact:
Jamie Grim
Local Government Liaison
Northeast and Southwest Colorado (CDOT Regions 4 and 5)
[email protected]
If an elected official keeps only one CDOT number in his/her contact list, it should be 303-757-9772. This is the number of the Office of Policy & Government Relations.
Office staff will research your questions, visit with your constituents or help explain the various transportation processes in layman's terms.