Upcoming Meetings
The Southwest Chief & Front Range Passenger Rail Commission met for the final time on April 22nd, 2022.
For information on Front Range Rail District meetings, please visit the Front Range Passenger Rail website.
Meeting Documents
- Draft Agenda
- Draft March 25th, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft February 25th, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft January 28th, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Final Report Narrative (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft December 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- User Experience Presentation (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft October 22nd, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- User Experience Memo (Document #3)
- User Experience Presentation (Document #4)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft September 24th Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft August 27th Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Service Development Plan Budget Request (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft July 23rd Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft June 25th Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft May 28th Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Rail District Transition Document (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft April 23rd, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft March 26th, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft February 26th, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft January 22nd, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Staff Report (Document #2)
- Draft MOU (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft December 4th, 2020 Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Alternatives Analysis Presentation (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft October 23rd Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- California High Speed Rail Presentation (Document #3)
- Front Range Passenger Rail Update (Document #4)
- Draft Agenda
- Training on Colorado Open Records and Open Meetings Law (Document #1)
- Draft September 25th Rail Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #2)
- Project Director's Report (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft August 28th Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Emissions Presentation (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft July 24th Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Online Public Meeting Summary (Document #3)
- Online Public Meeting Summary Presentation (Document #4)
- Ridership Modeling Presentation (Document #5)
- States for Passenger Rail Coalition Survey (Document #6)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft June 11th Special Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Draft June 26th Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #2)
- Project Director's Report (Document #3)
- Federal Agency Coordination Presentation (Document #4)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft May 22nd, 2020 Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Pueblo Station Area Plan Presentation (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft Agenda
- Draft April 24th, 2020 Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Online Public Meetings Framework (Document #3)
- Front Range Passenger Rail Level 2 Analysis Intro (Document #4)
- Draft Agenda
- March 27th Draft Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Pueblo Station Area Plan Presentation (Document #2)
- Project Director's Report (Document A)
- Draft COVID-19 Message (Document B)
- Draft Agenda
- Executive Oversight Committee Memo (Document 1)
- February 28th Draft Meeting Minutes (Document A)
- Project Director's Report (Document B)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft January 24th,2020 Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Stakeholder Engagement Presentation (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft December 13th, 2019 Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Commission Charter Version 1.3.1 (Document #3)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft November 8th Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Project Director's Report (Document #2)
- Draft Commission Charter (Document #3)
- Governance Options (Document #4)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft October 11th Commission Meeting Minutes (Document #1)
- Draft Commission Charter (Document #2)
- Project Director's Report (Document A)
- Process Flow Chart (Document B)
- States for Passenger Rail Coalition Information (Document C)
- Draft Agenda
- September Commission Meeting Draft Minutes (Document #1)
- Governance Options Table (Document #2)
- Draft Southwest Chief and Front Range Passenger Rail Commission Charter (Document #3)
- Project Director's Report (Document A)
- SDP/NEPA Update (Document B)
- MetroQuest Survey Final Report (Document C)
- Survey Initial Findings Presentation
- Agenda
- August Commission Meeting Minutes
- Project Director Report
- Front Range Passenger Rail Chartering Session Summary
- Week 7 MetroQuest Survey Results
- Front Range Passenger Rail Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Summary
- Chartering Review PowerPoint
- Governance PowerPoint
- Agenda
- July Commission Meeting Minutes
- July Commission Purpose and Need Workshop Notes
- Project Director Report
- Southwest Chief & Front Range Passenger Rail Commission Charter Draft
- CRISI Grant Meeting #3 Notes
- Rail Legislative Initiatives List
- Commissioner Fact Sheet Pamphlet Draft
- Commissioner Fact Sheet One Pager Draft
- Email/Distribution Language Document
- HDR Stakeholder Engagement and Public Involvement Presentation
- MetroQuest Week 2 Survey Results
- Agenda
- June Commission Meeting Minutes
- Project Director Report
- Amtrak Anderson Senate Testimony
- Jim Souby Senate Testimony
- Senate Testimony Commission Report
- Front Range Passenger Rail Survey Draft
- Visioning and Purpose & Need Presentation
- Agenda
- May Commission Meeting Minutes
- Project Director Report
- Project Initiation Presentation
- Thru Car Letter to Amtrak
- Amtrak Financial Plan Letter
- Rail Commission Communications Update Presentation
- Front Range Rail Demand Forecasting Presentation
- Agenda
- April 12 Commission Meeting Minutes
- Project Director Report
- Potential Alignment Options Map
- Rocky Mountain Transportation Systems Presentation
- RTD Northwest Rail Status Presentation
- Agenda
- Agenda
- Minutes
- 30/60/90 Day Plan
- Amtrak Pueblo Extension Ridership Study Letter
- Chieftain Amtrak Articles
- Southwest Chief and Front Range Passenger Rail Commission Charter Draft
- Thru Car Service Capacity Analysis
- Agenda
- Colorado Modern Rail Initiative
- HB 19-1034 Draft
- Agenda
- Agenda
- Agenda
- Agenda
- CRISI Document
- Draft PDQ - Director SWC and FRPR
- FRA CRISI Announcement
- State Amendment 3665
June 28, 2018
- Agenda
- Draft RFP
May 30, 2018
- Agenda
- Draft Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2018
- Agenda
- Rail Manager Qualification Comparison
- SAIPRC Executive Director Position Description
- Union Pacific PTC Update
- Agenda
- Agenda
- Summary of Major Issues & Strategic Decisions
- Key Steps to Implementing Passenger Rail
- Draft Charter, Version 1.2
- Draft Charter, Version 1.2.4
- Passenger Rail Map 1
- Bus Outreach Map
- Division of Transit & Rail Map
- News Release: CDOT, Arrivo & E-470 Partnership
- Draft Charter
- Agenda
- Summary of Major Issues & Strategic Considerations
- Draft Charter, Version 1
- Innovative Transportation Infrastructure Alternatives
- Agenda
- Draft Charter
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Subcommittee Agenda
- TIGER 9 Teleconference Minutes
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Rail Studies Presentation
- "Saving the Southwest" Presentation
- Burlington Northern Santa Fe Commuter/Passenger Principles
- BNSF Map 1
- BNSF Map 2
- FasTracks Update
- Program Charter Template
- Ohio Rail Plan Commuter Rail Start Checklist