Plan, elevation, and section views. Details for detectable warnings (10 sheets).
2019 M Standards Plan Sheets
Details for expansion joints and driveway entrances (4 sheets).
Cattle guard with steel and timber wing details (2 sheets).
Deer guard with timber and steel wing details (2 sheets).
Temporary and permanent use for shoulders, lanes, and centerlines (3 sheets).
Layouts for design speeds to 75 mph including weights (2 sheets).
Slope run-down using flexible pipe and paved apron.
Slope run-down using slope paving and paved apron.
Concrete siphon pipe with trash guard, valve box, and drain details.
8' x 26' Field Laboratory
12' x 28' Field Laboratory (2 sheets).
8' x 26' Field Office.
12' x 50' Field Office.
Monument application table and monument cap details (2 sheets).