
Utility/Special Use Definitions

UTILITY - Privately, publicly or cooperatively owned line, facility, or system for producing, transmitting, or distributing communications, cable television, power, electricity, light, heat, gas, oil, crude products, water, steam, waste, storm water not connected with highway drainage, or any other similar commodity, including any fire or police signal system or street lighting system, which directly or indirectly serves the public.

SPECIAL USE - Activities that are carried out within the state highway right of way that may affect the flow of traffic or which involve a structural connection to or alteration of any features within the highway right of way. Examples: landscaping, general construction, surveying. Note: construction of access (driveways) from private property to state highways requires an Access Permit. Click here for more information about Access Permits.

ACCOMMODATION: The location, installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation and/or presence of utility facilities.

MUTCD: "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (FHWA). Part VI of the MUTCD describes temporary traffic control requirements that apply to work zones.

PERMIT: The written document by which the issuing authority regulates and/or gives approval of the use and occupancy of the highway right of way by utility facilities or private lines, and which sets forth the approved terms and conditions under which a utility or utility facility may be accommodated within state highway right of way.

PERMITTEE: The entity that owns/operates the utility facility and that is responsible for fulfilling all the terms and conditions of the permit; or the entity's designated representative(s) charged with carrying out any or all permitted activities; and as the context provides, may also relate to an action or requirement of an "applicant."

ROW or SHROW: "Right of Way" or "State Highway Right of Way"