CDOT Awards Championship Belt to George Washington High School

STATEWIDE—George Washington High School has won the Seat Belt Schooled Snapchat contest sponsored by the Colorado Department of Transportation. On Thursday, CDOT presented the Colorado Championship Belt to the school to mark the occasion. The Belt, which combines a championship boxing/wresting belt with a seat belt, highlights George Washington High School's dedication to seat belt safety.
On Thursday, Sept. 28, CDOT Communications Manager Sam Cole presented the Colorado Championship Belt during George Washington High School's varsity volleyball game against South High School. The engraved trophy reads "For the Students with the Most Seat Belt Spirit."
"Raise your hand if you or a family member have ever been in a car crash," Cole asked during the presentation. "Wearing a seat belt is the best thing you can do to save yourself in a crash. They reduce your risk of death by 45 percent. We would like to say thank you to GW for buckling up and doing the right thing."
Seat Belt Schooled ran Sept. 18-22, and invited Denver County high school students to use targeted Snapchat geofilters designed specifically for their school. They used them to Snap seat belt-themed photos to friends and CDOT's SeatBeltContest Snapchat account. George Washington High School sent 215 Snaps over the course of the week, the most out of all 30 participating high schools, earning them the prize. Overall, Seat Belt Schooled reached 28,000 individuals with seat belt messages and selfies.