I-70 Bridge Project to begin April 3 between Limon and Agate
Project Announcement
Elbert County - The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin a bridge preventative treatment project on Interstate 70 between Limon and Agate on Monday, April 3.
The project involves eight structures and is essential to the safety of the traveling public on I-70. The improvements are designed to give motorists safer travel during inclement weather and prevent future erosion to the bridge structure. The resurfacing of the structures will create smoother pavement and improved driving conditions. The $5.1 million project has selected ABCO Contracting, Inc. as the prime contractor for this project.

The project is both eastbound and westbound on I-70 between Limon and Agate from Mile Points 341.0 to 357.8.
Schedule & Working Hours
The project is expected to begin April 3. Estimated completion is February 2024. Travelers will encounter construction operations Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Travel Impacts
Motorists can expect the following:
- Reduced speeds to 55 MPH through the work zone
- Single lane closures of I-70 will be in effect 24/7
- 11-foot lane width restrictions
- Narrowed lanes and reduced shoulders
- Signs will be posted to alert motorists to the closures and available detour routes
Project Contact Information
For additional information about this project, contact the project team.
- Project website: codot.gov/projects/i70limonsagatebridge
- Project hotline: 719-771-3980
- Project email: [email protected]