Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Preguntas Frecuentes

The CO 119 Multi-Modal Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study established a multimodal corridor vision and identified numerous project elements that CO 119 local agency stakeholders are advancing as separate, but coordinated, projects. Together, CDOT, RTD and Boulder County are leading the CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project. For the June 2022 Community Meeting, these projects are referred to as the CO 119 Diagonal Highway Transportation Projects.
In addition, BRT stations and BRT improvements are planned in Boulder and Longmont to build a thoughtful, fully connected BRT system from downtown Longmont to downtown Boulder. The City of Boulder is leading the 28th Street Improvements Project and the City of Longmont is leading the Coffman Street Busway. Additionally, Longmont is constructing a mobility hub as part of its 1st & Main Station Transit Revitalization Plan. First and final mile connections identified in the Commuting Solutions CO 119 First and Final Mile Study will continue to be evaluated and prioritized as the other improvements and the BRT system are built out.
The CO 119 local agency stakeholders are representatives from all organizations with active planning projects on the corridor from 2020 through the present. These local agency stakeholders include CDOT, Boulder County, RTD, City of Longmont, City of Boulder, Federal Highway Administration, Colorado Transportation Investment Office (CTIO) (formerly HPTE), and Commuting Solutions. The local agency stakeholders meet monthly to discuss projects’ design plans, community outreach activities, and funding pursuits to ensure coordination across the projects.
The design for the project is anticipated to be complete by mid 2025. The start of construction is anticipated for fall 2024, pending permits and approvals. A community meeting will be held at the completion of design and will include construction information.
The CO 119 corridor is a high crash corridor for motorists and bicyclists in Boulder County. Current bus service can be slow and unreliable, and the corridor lacks a safe and direct bike connection between Longmont and Boulder. By 2040, the corridor is projected to see a 25% increase in vehicular traffic. Increased traffic can result in more congestion, delay, crashes, and tailpipe emissions. Local agencies and area stakeholders have long advocated for improvements to the Diagonal and are investing in CO 119 to foster responsible growth that improves safety, reliability, sustainability, and travel choice. To learn more about the planning efforts and studies that led to these projects, visit the Mobility in the Corridor website page.
The CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project has a set of goals that prioritize safety, efficient travel by all modes, and connectivity to CO 119.
The six specific goals are:
  • Improve safety in the whole corridor
  • Maximize intersection efficiency
  • Maximize corridor-wide efficiency
  • Maximize the number of people able to move through the corridor
  • Improve transit travel times
  • Improve connectivity to the bike and pedestrian network
The benefits of the project include:
  • Reduced numbers of pedestrian, bicyclist, and vehicular crashes
  • Faster and more consistent travel flow through the corridor, with less delay and backups at intersections
  • Faster and more reliable transit service
  • Safer and more direct bike connection between Boulder and Longmont
  • Expanded multimodal connections to and through the corridor that connect bike and pedestrian crossings with the CO 119 Bikeway, BRT stations, and Park-n-Rides
The CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project’s intersection improvements are being thoughtfully designed to both improve the safety of the corridor and to reduce congestion. The BRT improvements (queue bypass lanes, stations, and Park-n-Rides) are being designed to improve access and reduce transit travel times. The bikeway improvements add a transportation mode to the corridor, which is critical to increase connectivity. Finally, pedestrian and bike connections at the intersections (including first and final mile improvements) will add to the corridor’s efficiency and connectivity.
The project is fully funded through the design and construction phase. The combined program cost for all the project elements (CDOT, RTD, Boulder County, and City of Longmont) is currently estimated at $165 million. This number may increase due to construction inflation costs and supply chain challenges. In total, CDOT, RTD, Boulder County, City of Longmont, and the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) have committed $136 million for construction. The CO 119 local agency stakeholders have worked together to pursue and receive several grants from DRCOG Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and a $25 million Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The project teams are coordinating design to allow for construction of initially funded project elements. No state or local taxes have been increased to pay for this project.

The project team reviewed questions and comments received during the June 2022 Community Meeting comment period (June 27 to July 18). This FAQ document has been developed to address questions, provide additional information, and share design plans that have changed based upon the community input received.

During this comment period, the project teams received comments about access changes at Airport/Ogallala Roads and BRT stop locations. In response to this input, the CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway team visited the corridor in August 2022 to complete traffic observations. Based upon community input and the results of this observation, the CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway team changed the right-in/right-out access plan at Ogallala Road and will now preserve the through lane from Ogallala Road to northbound. CDOT also plans to add new signage and extend the left turn lane on southbound CO 119 at 83rd Street to make this left turn movement safer. Additionally, as a result of community input gathered through the preliminary design process, RTD is in discussions with the City of Boulder and the City of Longmont regarding potential additional BRT stops.

The project websites have been updated with the latest information and will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. As the project teams progress toward final design, the project teams will continue to consider community input that advances the projects’ goals of safety, mobility, and connectivity. A virtual community meeting is anticipated for fall 2024 with final design plans and initial construction information. Visit the websites for the  CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project to sign-up for the project’s mailing lists and to submit comments or questions.

The CO 119 Safety, Mobility, and Bikeway Project is progressing toward final design, expected to be completed in summer 2025. A benefit of the proposed improvements is that much of the work will occur within the existing median, reducing impacts on the traveling public. When final design is completed, additional information will be provided to the public about how the construction will be phased, traffic routed, and potential impacts or short durations closures for the users of the corridor.

There will be construction employment opportunities through CDOT’s selected contractor’s self-performed work and their subcontractor’s scopes. There will be a need for a qualified workforce over the course of the construction. Employment opportunities will be available on the selected contractor’s website. Construction isn’t scheduled to start on this project until September, people should be encouraged to inquire about CO 119 specifically in mid to late summer. Once subconsultants and suppliers are identified, the selected contractor will be able to refer anyone to those companies as well.

The CO 119 Safety, Mobility, and Bikeway Project is utilizing the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) delivery method. This alternative contract method selects a contractor at the beginning of the design to serve in a construction manager role. The construction manager provides pricing, constructability reviews, and risk analysis throughout the design development. Once the design is complete, the contractor is given the opportunity to negotiate on the construction and complete the work as the general contractor. If a price cannot be agreed upon, then the project can be advertised to the public to identify a new contractor

Airport Road

CO 119 between Boulder and Longmont is a severe crash corridor for motorists and bicyclists. From 2015 to 2019, 929 vehicle crashes occurred on the corridor, resulting in 446 injuries and 3 fatalities. Two pedestrian and 17 bike crashes occurred in that same period. For more crash information, access the Boulder County Vision Zero Plan by contacting the project team.

Originally designed to connect less populated rural communities, regional development has produced safety and traffic flow issues. Long traffic backups are common as motorists wait multiple light cycles to get through intersections. Motorists traveling on CO 119 frequently crash into cars backed up well ahead of the intersections. The intersections of CO 119 and Airport/Ogallala Roads compound corridor-wide safety and mobility issues and have specific safety challenges. Eighty-five percent of the crashes on southbound Airport Road/CO 119 result in injury. Most of these are sideswipe crashes that occur when vehicles turn from Airport Road onto northbound CO 119. Project improvements will eliminate these crashes. To learn more about corridor and intersection-specific safety conditions, see the Safety Assessment Report in the Traffic Alternatives Analysis Study.

By 2040, the CO 119 corridor is projected to see a 25% increase in vehicular traffic. Without intervention, this growth is expected to compound current safety issues. As part of the commitment to providing a transportation system that effectively and safely moves people, CDOT is working with local agency stakeholders to make improvements that best promote safety and traffic flow.
After studying corridor safety and operations and evaluating a range of potential improvements, including adding a signal at northbound CO 119 and Airport/Ogallala Roads, CDOT, in coordination with local agency stakeholders, has determined that eliminating particular left turns and through movements from Airport Road and CO 119 most effectively advances the project goals of improving safety (reducing vehicular, bicyclist, and pedestrian crashes), traffic flow (reducing long backups of cars at intersections), transit travel times, and access to the corridor for different travel modes (driving, transit, biking, and walking). The Airport Road Fact Sheet shows the improvements supported by eliminating left turns.

A new signal would not sufficiently address all issues at this intersection. Installing a signal at northbound CO 119 and Airport Road would reduce sideswipe crashes for motorists turning from Airport and Ogallala Roads onto CO 119 and traveling from Ogallala Road onto northbound CO 119. However, a new signal would contribute to congestion on northbound CO 119 well ahead of the intersection, which often results in rear-end crashes. Eliminating left turns prevents both sideswipe and rear-end crashes, advancing the project goal of improving safety. Moreover, adding a signal would slow transit service for Longmont-bound buses. To enable fast and reliable BRT service, construction of a $3.3 million bus queue bypass lane would be necessary at this signalized intersection. Using left turn restrictions rather than adding a signal saves cost, facilitates efficient BRT service, and improves traffic flow for the numerous vehicles that travel on northbound and southbound CO 119 during peak hours each day. Lastly, Airport Road is a designated bike route serving numerous residential neighborhoods in Longmont. Eliminating the southbound travel lane on Airport Road frees up space for a new southbound Airport Road bike lane and pedestrian crossing enhancements. The Airport Road Intersections Alternative Memo further explains the decision-making process to eliminate left turns.

Design update: During the June 2022 Community Meeting comment period, comments were received about the proposed access changes at Airport/Ogallala Roads. In response, the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project team visited the corridor in August 2022 to observe current traffic conditions. Based upon community input and the results of this observation, the right-in/right-out access plan at Ogallala Road presented at the June 2022 Community Meeting has been changed. The through lane from Ogallala Road to northbound Airport Road will now be preserved. CDOT also plans to add new signage and extend the left turn lane on southbound CO 119 at 83rd Street to make this left turn movement safer.
Speed limit reductions are governed by state statute. Changing a roadway’s speed limit is a multi-step evaluation process that would take place outside the scope of the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project. Many of the improvements planned for this corridor are specifically designed to improve safety within the corridor and encourage drivers to use caution when approaching the signalized intersections. Pedestrian and bicycle improvements have also been incorporated to increase safety and visibility. Conducting a speed study before the project is completed is not best practice because the project’s improvements will impact corridor operations. After these improvements are constructed, a proper speed study could be initiated to determine if corridor conditions warrant a change in speed limits.

CDOT recognizes that speeding is a concern on this corridor, as well as on many other roadways throughout the state. Although speed enforcement is not within the preview of CDOT, CDOT is reaching out to state patrol and local law enforcement to share concerns about speeding violations in the corridor.

The CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project will implement additional signage throughout the corridor as part of its goal to improve safety. Specifically, variable message signs will be added above the roadway to communicate information to roadway users, and new safety signage will be installed at pedestrian and bicyclist crossings.
Eliminating left turns at this intersection will require motorists to use alternative routes to reach their destinations. Many nearby roadways are arterial streets with the capacity to safely accommodate the additional vehicles. The Airport Road Alternative Routes Map shows routes motorists can take after the left turn options are removed. Alternative routes include taking Pike Road or Clover Basin Drive to Fordham Street to reach CO 119, and some vehicles traveling southbound on Airport Road will choose to take CO 119 south and make a U-turn at 83rd Street. Making the U-turn at this location is safer than the current left turn onto northbound CO 119 because there are lower traffic volumes at this intersection. To improve safety at this intersection, CDOT plans to extend the left turn lane on southbound CO 119 at 83rd Street and install new signage.
CDOT completed the Traffic Alternatives Analysis Study to understand current traffic conditions on CO 119 between Boulder and Longmont. The Safety Assessment Report section details crash history. The study identified the number of vehicles that make turns at the signalized intersections in the corridor and the number expected to do so in the year 2045. The analysis showed that the number of vehicles impacted by the elimination of the left turns is minimal, and this impact is outweighed by the safety and traffic flow benefits for the numerous vehicles that travel through CO 119 during peak hours. This information was presented to local agency stakeholders who strongly endorsed this as the most effective approach to reducing the number of crashes.
The traffic analyses that informed this decision are based on traffic volumes projected for year 2045 that factor in population growth, land use, and development plans for the region. CDOT meets monthly with local agency partners who have a deep understanding of local conditions to review design plans, coordinate the projects on the corridor, and make decisions about the roadway’s improvements. Boulder County, the City of Boulder, the City of Longmont, Commuting Solutions, Federal Highway Administration, and RTD reviewed and affirmed the decision to change access at CO 119 and Airport Road.


Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality bus service designed to be more reliable, convenient, faster, and more frequent than traditional bus service. BRT service avoids delays that can typically slow regular bus service, like making numerous stops and being stuck in traffic at intersections.
Queue bypass lanes are dedicated bus-only lanes that will be implemented at key signalized intersections on the corridor. When a bus approaches one of these intersections, it pulls into a dedicated bus-only lane, bypassing traffic waiting at the signal. A special traffic signal allows the bus to proceed across the intersection while the general traffic is still stopped at the red light. With the bus-only traffic signal, buses can get a head start, jump ahead of the traffic, and then merge back into the general traffic lanes. Queue bypass lanes help buses avoid delays and congestion at intersections, which enables faster and more reliable transit service. Please visit our website to learn more about how queue bypass lanes work.
The CO 119 Commuter Bikeway will connect to 14 existing or proposed bike routes, including regional trails, multiuse paths, and on-street bike lanes. Local bus routes will also connect with the BRT stops within Boulder and Longmont and RTD’s FlexRide is available within Longmont. In addition, the BRT stations on the corridor connect to Denver through the Flatiron Flyer and Longmont via TransFort’s FLEX route.
The entrance to the 63rd Street Park-n-Ride will have a new left-turn lane, separate from the left-turn lanes onto Boulder-bound CO 119. Vehicles turning left onto CO 119 should not be affected.
The new CO 119 BRT service will replace the existing BOLT and J routes (note that the J is not currently running). Local bus service schedules in Boulder and Longmont will be optimized to work with the new BRT service schedules.

In addition to the Park-n-Rides and stations at 63rd Street and Niwot Road on CO 119, there will be BRT stations at 47th Street and at CO 52 adjacent to the Boulder Tech Center. There will also be enhanced bus stops within Boulder and Longmont. See our website for a map of the bus stops that will be serviced by the BRT system.

The locations for the stations and Park-n-Rides were determined through the 2019 SH 119 Multi-Modal Planning and Environmental Linkages Study. This study convened local agencies and gathered public input to narrow in on critical improvement components, including BRT routing and Park-n-Ride locations.
The improvements for the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project do not include a Park-n-Ride at CO 52. Given the proximity of the IBM campus on the northwest and the Boulder Tech Center, the project is focused on the first and final mile connections planned to connect to the IBM campus and the Boulder Tech Center.
The fare structure for the BRT system will match the current fares of the BOLT and J routes; the fare for short trips will be local, longer trips will be regional (see RTD fare chart). Both will be covered by the EcoPass.
On opening day, the BRT service will use RTD’s existing over-the-road coaches that are currently used for BOLT. As funds are available, the buses may be re-branded with the CO 119 BRT colors and logo (to be determined).
BRT stations along CO 119 will be large platforms adjacent to the median and protected from traffic by concrete barriers. The stations and Park-n-Rides along CO 119 will have lighted shelters, benches, trash receptacles, security cameras, digital displays, and bike shelters. Some of the enhanced street-side stops in Boulder and Longmont will also have amenities like shelters, benches, and trash receptacles that will be determined, based on availability of funding.
Bikes will not be allowed inside the bus, but the buses will be equipped with front racks that can hold two bikes. The current over-the-road coaches can also hold a limited number of bikes in their luggage bays. In November 2022, RTD announced that personal e-bikes will be allowed on RTD transit vehicles. For regional buses, like those that will be operated as part of CO 119 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), e-bikes must fit either on the front rack (no more than 55 pounds) or within the luggage compartment beneath the vehicle. Any changes to the policy in the future will be communicated on the RTD website.
In November 2022, RTD announced that personal e-bikes will be allowed on RTD transit vehicles. For regional buses, like those that will be operated as part of CO 119 BRT, e-bikes must fit either on the front rack (no more than 55 pounds) or within the luggage compartment beneath the vehicle. Any changes to the policy in the future will be communicated on the RTD website.
No, the BRT buses will not use the shoulder. They will use the general traffic lanes and the bus queue bypass lanes at intersections. The bus queue bypass lane will be the inside lane closest to the median between northbound and southbound CO 119.
The Northwest Rail Peak Service Study is identifying costs and needs for limited, peak period service with three morning and three evening trips between Denver and Longmont. Due to financial constraints, RTD cannot complete the full build-out to provide full-day service for the Northwest Rail Line at this time. CO 119 BRT improvements are being completed in cooperation with CDOT and is proceeding with joint funding. The joint project allows for opportunities to improve safety and mobility for both parties with current available funding.
The CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project would complement future rail service by providing stations/stops at key residential and employment centers along the BRT corridor that are not planned to be directly served by the future Northwest Rail line, including CO 52 and Niwot Road.
As part of the 1st & Main Station Transit Revitalization Plan at the south end of Longmont’s Coffman Street Busway Project, the City of Longmont will be constructing a parking structure that will function as a Park-n-Ride and transit facility. Bike parking will be incorporated into the design, though details have not yet been finalized.
As a result of community input gathered through the preliminary design process, RTD is in discussions with the City of Boulder and the City of Longmont regarding potential additional BRT stops. BRT systems typically have fewer stops than standard bus service to ensure faster and more reliable travel times. The analysis for adding stops will consider the tradeoffs between providing additional accessibility against the added travel time required to service additional stops.


CDOT plans to make improvements to traffic signal operations for the five signalized intersections in the corridor. These improvements include installing and synchronizing new traffic signals that optimize the length of green lights and use adaptive signal technology that responds in real time to corridor conditions. These signals can better recognize when vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists are present and adjust signal timing accordingly. Signal improvements reduce long queueing of cars at intersections, ease congestion, and reduce the likelihood of rear-end crashes.
CDOT is reviewing the physical condition and clarity of existing signage along the corridor. As needed, signage will be upgraded.
The CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project is completing a study for un-signalized intersections. At this time, no other access changes are being proposed.
The Traffic Alternatives Analysis Study evaluated the alternative of adding a general purpose lane in both directions of CO 119. The study determined that adding general purpose lanes is a high cost alternative that does not perform measurably better at advancing the project goals than the selected alternative with intersection improvements and queue bypass lanes. Therefore, the alternative of adding general purpose lanes was not advanced for design. The selected alternative for the CO 119 Safety and Mobility Improvements Project maintains the existing general purpose lanes. To learn more about this decision-making process, read the Traffic Alternatives Analysis Study section on the Mobility in the Corridor webpage.
The CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project is progressing toward final design, which is anticipated to be completed in early 2025. A benefit of the proposed improvements is that much of the work will occur within the existing median, reducing impacts to the traveling public. When final design is completed, a community meeting will be held that will include information about construction phasing, routing, and impacts to corridor users.
The Federal Highway Administration’s Noise Standards and CDOT’s Noise Analysis and Abatement Guidelines (2020) set specific criteria to determine if transportation project improvements require a noise study. The project teams will be evaluating sensitive noise receivers along the corridor to determine if a formal Traffic Noise Analysis is warranted. If the CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project is determined to be a Type I project, then a traffic noise analysis will be performed, and mitigation will be determined in accordance with 23 CFR 772.5 and the CDOT guidelines.
Safety was evaluated on the corridor using CDOT crash data from 2015 to 2020, which is the most recent data available. To learn more about corridor and intersection-specific safety conditions, access the Boulder County Vision Zero Plan and the Safety Assessment Report in the Traffic Alternatives Analysis Study by contacting the project team.
A detailed traffic study was conducted for the corridor. Eight alternatives were evaluated, including adding an additional general-purpose lane. The current design was chosen because it scored the highest in terms of safety and operational objectives and was a lower cost alternative than constructing a full new lane in each direction.

Increasing or decreasing speed limits on a roadway is a multistep evaluation process that would take place separately from the CO 119 Safety, Mobility, and Bikeway Project. Conducting a speed study before the project is completed is not considered a best practice because the project’s improvements will impact corridor operations. After these improvements are constructed, a speed study could be initiated to determine if corridor conditions warrant a change in speed limits.

Many of the improvements planned for CO 119 are specifically designed to improve safety within the corridor and encourage drivers to use caution when approaching the signalized intersections. Pedestrian and bicycle improvements have also been incorporated to increase safety and visibility. The project will implement additional signage throughout the corridor as part of its goal to improve safety. Specifically, variable message signs will be added above the roadway to communicate information to roadway users, and new safety signage will be installed at pedestrian and bicyclist crossings.

Bikeway - Design Speed & User Types

The CO 119 bikeway design team utilized both national and international best practices for the CO 119 bikeway design criteria for path width and design speed. The bike path width is set at 12 feet, which is 2 feet wider than a standard 10-foot-wide bi-directional bike path. This allows for passing in the same direction with someone approaching from the opposite direction. At high-activity areas (bus station areas, underpasses, and intersections) the path is widened to 16' to allow additional width for maneuverability.
The width and design speed of the bikeway should allow for safe passing and slower modes of travel. Boulder County will be considering installation of slow zone signs in higher use areas, such as the BRT station areas and the Longmont and Boulder connections to the bikeway.
The bikeway is being designed primarily as a commuter bike facility; however, one of the design goals of the project is to create a facility that is accessible and safe for all bike users, as well as pedestrians. To that end, the 12-foot bikeway width provides two feet of extra buffer space over a standard 10-foot-wide bi-directional bike path, and the width is increased to 16 feet in areas where increased pedestrian activity is expected. Boulder County's objective is to design the bikeway to minimize conflicts so that all user types can safely and enjoyably use the facility. Warning signs advising slow travel will be posted in BRT station areas where higher pedestrian activity is expected.
Class 1, 2 and 3 e-bikes will be permitted on the bikeway. The bikeway will be built within the CDOT right-of-way, and per State law Class 1, 2, and 3 e-bikes are permitted on bike paths within a street or highway.
The bikeway is being designed to be two feet wider (12 feet wide) than a standard bi-directional bike path, which will allow more space for both slower- and faster-moving bikes to ride on the path. A painted centerline is being considered to encourage riders to stay to the right on the path but also allow for safe passing. The path gradient will be mostly flat (<2% grade) with relatively moderate (<5%) grades entering and exiting underpasses. Curves will be gradual, and warning signs will be provided in the few locations where sharper curves are necessary. Lighting is included at all underpasses, BRT station areas, and street crossings. All of these design elements are beneficial to riders of all abilities.
Recent survey results indicate that there are many people who do not currently bike on CO 119 but would be likely to bike if a separated bike facility were available. For example, of the 521 survey respondents who currently commute along the CO 119 corridor but do not currently bike, 62% said that they would be likely or very likely to commute by bike once a bikeway facility is built.
Once construction of the CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project is completed, the bikeway will be available for cycling events, pending any required permits. During construction there may be some changes to routes. The Boulder County Special Events planner will be tracking the construction schedule and will be communicating with event organizers.
CO 119 from Boulder to Longmont has one of the highest number of bike crashes of all corridors in unincorporated Boulder County, second only to US 36 between Boulder and Lyons. The crash statistics represent crashes between motor vehicles and bikes. The CO 119 Bikeway Design Project will directly improve bike safety along the CO 119 corridor by providing a safe and direct path in the median of the corridor for cyclists separated from motor vehicle traffic. The bikeway will be located outside of the “roadside clear zone” of the highway so that cyclists are safely separated from an errant vehicle leaving the roadway. In areas where the bikeway can’t be located outside of the roadside clear zone, highway-rated guardrail or concrete barriers will be placed between the bikeway and the highway. While the bikeway is being designed to encourage use by all types of users, bicyclists are not legally prohibited from riding on the CO 119 shoulder.

Priority & Funding Allocation

The CO 119 corridor has been a top priority project for Boulder County for several years, due to congestion, the lack of frequent transit, and the high number of crashes. The CO 119 Multi-Modal Planning and Environmental Linkages Study outlined a vision to improve safety and mobility for the corridor including BRT, safety improvements, and a commuter bikeway. All of these elements are important to providing mobility choices and improving safety on this corridor. While it will take time to fund the full vision, the local agency stakeholders are working collaboratively to prioritize construction in a way that promotes a "touch once" approach. “Touch once” means batching construction activities to limit the number of times the corridor is under construction.


As much as possible, the bikeway is located outside of the "roadside clear zone" of the highway so that cyclists are safely separated from an errant vehicle leaving the roadway. In areas where the bikeway can't be located outside of the highway clear zone, highway-rated guardrail or concrete barriers will be placed between the bikeway and the highway.
The type of signing and signals will vary by intersection. Traffic signal detection (automated and/or push buttons) will be present at signalized intersections of CO 119 and major cross streets (Jay Road, 63rd Street, CO 52, Niwot Road, and Airport Road). Warning signs will be installed along the bikeway to warn cyclists of upcoming bikeway intersections, BRT station areas (i.e., pedestrian crossings), and at-grade street crossings. Centerline dashed striping may be installed along the bikeway to encourage cyclists to ride on the right side of the path while also allowing cyclists to pass slower moving riders. CDOT is in the process of replacing the traffic signals along CO 119 and will reassess the required time for pedestrians to safely cross CO 119 as part of the new signal system installation.
Lighting will be provided at underpasses, BRT stations, and roadway crossings. Emergency phones and security cameras will be installed at all Park-n-Rides and BRT station platforms. The bikeway will also be visible to the many motorists who travel along CO 119, which offers a deterrent to unsafe activity towards cyclists. The bikeway itself will not be patrolled by law enforcement, but the Colorado State Patrol does monitor and enforce the CO 119 roadway so they can observe and respond to incidents along the bikeway as needed.
CO 119 from Boulder to Longmont has the second highest number of bike crashes of all corridors in unincorporated Boulder County, second only to US 36 between Boulder and Lyons. The crash statistics represent crashes between motor vehicles and bikes. CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project will directly improve bike safety along the CO 119 corridor by providing a safe and direct path that is separated from motor vehicle traffic.


Lighting will be provided at underpasses, BRT station areas, and at roadway crossings. Lighting will not be provided along the mainline areas of the bikeway.
The CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project is looking at additional ways to address the need for shade. Planting trees or installing shelters may be beyond the scope of the first phase of the project, but additional grants, programs, or funding sources are being researched that can pay for installation, watering, and/or maintenance of additional trees or shelters.
The bikeway will be constructed with concrete, which provides a more durable surface than asphalt. Concrete seams will be thin saw cuts (1/8 inch) that will not degrade the smoothness of the surface.
Wayfinding signs will be provided at key junctions along the bikeway.
The bikeway will be plowed after snowfall events. In most cases, the bikeway is located far enough from the highway so that highway snow plowing operations should not impact the bikeway, but some areas of the bikeway may require additional plowing to address snow from the highway. The bikeway will be plowed which will minimize ice build-up. Winter maintenance of the bikeway will also include ice mitigation. Underdrains and pump systems will be included for the underpasses to drain the water during rainfall events and minimize the potential for icing. The shoulders will be mowed in the summer months.

Crossings (Underpasses and At-Grade)

Underpasses are planned across Jay Road, 63rd Street, CO 52/IBM Drive, Niwot Road, and at the north and south ends to cross southbound CO 119. Rationale for selecting underpass locations was primarily based on the amount of vehicle traffic on the cross streets. Underpasses were selected instead of overpasses to reduce the amount of vertical height bicyclists would need to climb (15 feet for an underpass exit versus 25 feet to enter an overpass) and concerns of viewshed obstructions associated with bridge overpasses.
At-grade (street-level) crossings will occur at 55th Street, Monarch Road, Oxford Road, 83rd Street, Airport Road, and Fordham Street. The Airport Road crossing will be controlled by a traffic signal that stops all cross-street traffic. The majority of the time, bicyclists will be able to proceed across Airport Road without stopping. The other at-grade crossing treatments are still under design, and options are being developed to ensure safe and efficient bike operation. There are also several emergency "turnaround" crossings for the bike path in the median. The turnaround crossings will have painted markings and possibly signing to warn vehicles of approaching cyclists.
A direct "spur" connection will be provided on both sides of the underpass on the cross streets that will allow cyclists riding in the bike lanes on the cross street to enter the spur connection (and bikeway) without stopping or dismounting from their bike. Cyclists will use the traffic signals to cross both southbound and northbound CO 119.
It is expected that the large majority of cyclists will choose to use the underpasses because they provide a significant travel time and safety advantage compared to crossing major roadways at street level. However, cyclists will not be restricted from crossing at street level if they choose to do so.
CDOT is upgrading the pedestrian and bike crossings at Airport Road. Please refer to the Airport Road Fact Sheet for the crossing improvements at this intersection. Additionally, between Airport Road and Longmont (Hover Street), an underpass will be provided beneath southbound CO 119 near Dry Creek Drive. A future underpass beneath southbound CO 119 is planned (currently unfunded) and would be located approximately 1/4 mile southeast of Airport Road.
Currently, all but one of the underpasses will have a clear line of sight. The proposed underpass located northeast of Fordham Street does not have clear line of sight because of constraints related to drainage and adjacent property impacts. That location will be reevaluated during final design to determine if visibility through the underpass can be improved.
The design of the underpass at Jay Road provides 20+ feet of width for potential future widening. 63rd Street and Niwot Road are more constrained because of the proposed BRT stations. The design teams will evaluate the length of the underpasses during final design, as well as future street widening plans, to determine if the underpasses should be extended.
The intersection of CO52 and 71st Street will remain the same as it is today. There are no crosswalks for bicyclists or pedestrians. Future improvements of a multi-use path along CO52 and an underpass at 71st Street have been contemplated, however there is no funding in place or plans for these improvements at this time.

Connections to cross streets, trails & other destinations

The CO 119 Bikeway can be accessed from 14 existing or proposed bike routes on regional trails, multiuse paths, and on-street bike lanes. Please refer to the bikeway connections map.
The CO 119 Safety, Mobility and Bikeway Project does not include bike or pedestrian connections outside of the CO 119 corridor. A separate CO 119 First and Final Mile Study was completed that includes recommendations to improve connections beyond the CO 119 corridor.
A connection between the CO 119 and the Left Hand Creek Trail is available via the LOBO trail, which is a soft surface trail. An improved connection of this link is beyond the scope of this project and would need to be studied and coordinated with the City of Longmont and Boulder County.

The CO 119 Bikeway Design Project limits begin and end at the City of Boulder and City of Longmont, and the project scope is limited to within the CDOT-owned right of way in unincorporated Boulder County. While the bikeway cannot extend into these municipalities themselves, it is intended to connect to existing paths in the cities. The southern endpoint of the bikeway is at the Pleasant View Sports Complex near 47th Street north of Kalmia Avenue. The northern endpoint is located approximately 1/4 mile west of Hover Street on the north side of CO 119. These locations were determined during the concept planning phase of the project. Please refer to the Bikeway Design Validation Study for more information.

The project will be constructing at-grade intersection improvements at southbound CO 119 and Airport Road to connect to the bikeway. These improvements, in concert with the adjustments to Airport Road between northbound and southbound CO 119, will create a safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists today. In the future, a grade separated crossing of southbound CO 119 has been contemplated and preliminary designs have been developed for an underpass. However, this future connection is not currently funded or planned to be a part of the project. Plans for the grade separated crossing will be revisited some time in the future when funding becomes available.

The prominent safety concern is all modes (vehicles, bikes and pedestrians) crossing both intersections at northbound and southbound of 55th Street. Since this movement is not considered safe, It is recommended that pedestrians and cyclists go to a signalized crossing or use other multi-use path connections. This will be consistent with all the other unsignalized intersections throughout the corridor.

The team is currently evaluating the options and working on a more detailed estimate of cost for each option. A decision on which option to advance will be made soon. Please note that there are currently no funds available for construction.

Topic Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 3A
Length of underpass: 140 feet 80 feet 80 feet 80 feet
Height of underpass: 10 feet (standard) 8.5 feet 8.5 feet 8.5 feet
Length of path from 2nd Avenue to CO 119 bikeway: 1,215 feet 815 feet 565 feet 565 feet
Walking time from 2nd Avenue to Longmont bound bus station: 4.4 minutes 4.9 minutes 6.2 minutes 4.9 minutes
Walking time from 2nd Avenue to Boulder bound bus station: 7 minutes 7.3 minutes 7.4 minutes 7.4 minutes

Sight lines and visibility through underpass

  • Option 1: Good sight line at east side. West side walls limit visibility
  • Option 2: Good sight line at west side
  • Tight turning radius at east entrance. Path intersection west of underpass may create conflicts
  • Option 3: Good sight line at the west side but tight turn radius at east side
  • Option 3A: Good sight line at the west side but tight turn radius at east side

Complexity of construction/fencing

  • Option 1: Skew of underpass complicates construction. Possible longer road closures. Wall length (3,000 feet) will increase the overall cost. Fence needed along railroad tracks
  • Option 2: Impact to water quality outlet complicates design and construction. Wall length (3,515 feet) will increase construction cost. Fence needed along railroad tracks
  • Option 3: Simpler due to being outside water quality pond. No fence needed
  • Option 3A: Simpler due to being outside water quality pond. No fence needed