
We must respect the individuality of communities in a manner that promotes their viability. The character of the corridor is realized in the difference and commonalities of its communities.


Communities are the pulse of the corridor and they must be respected and supported in their efforts to remain viable and vital. Understanding what is truly important in a local area can be found only by engaging with the community -- understanding their definition of what is unique and what makes them a “community.” Plans and designs must support and integrate local area efforts.

The following principles further define communities and provide specific ways to identify and reach the Core Value.

Community Design Principles:

  • Celebrate, enhance, and protect the individual identities of the corridor communities.
  • Improve the quality of life for current and future residents.
  • Integrate alternatives with community plans.
  • Engage communities in the decision-making process.
  • Support economic diversity and sustainability.
  • Provide mobility choices.
  • Provide community vitality through access and connectivity.
  • Strive to balance local community interests with regional interests.
  • Support corridor-wide planning.
  • Maximize community benefits from transportation improvements.

The natural environment has shaped the development pattern of the communities along the I-70 Mountain Corridor. Community economics and quality of life are based on the wealth of resources found in the Rocky Mountains. Responsible use of and access to these resources are necessary to sustain communities and are the basis for all community design principles. Understanding how community resources are influenced by I-70 improvements is necessary in each step of the 6-Step Process. Community resources found in the I-70 Mountain Corridor are discussed in the I-70 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS). Additional data from the PEIS can be found on the Interactive Map.

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"We have a window of opportunity to think differently about transportation and propose bold, new approaches to improve the livability of our nation’s communities."
- Ray LaHood, former US Secretary of Transportation